Short Family, Section 79
Short family. Papers, 1783-1977. Section 79.
Call Number Mss1 Sh8185 a Sect. 79
Index to Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1853-1976
Abbitt, Watkins Moorman, 1908-1998
Allen, W. H.
Alley, C. Willard
Almond, J. Lindsay (James Lindsay), 1898-1986
Ames, John S.
Anderson, James Aylor, 1892-1964
Anderson, Sarah Terrill (Bushnell), b. 1889
Andrews, E. J.
Arnold, George Prince
Atchison, S. C.
Augustine, Harry Hamil, 1892-1959
Bailey, V. C.
Banks, Sidney
Barham, Sidney B., b. 1872
Barnard, Irvin S.
Barnett, A. B.
Barwick, J. Ralph
Bath, A. J.
Battle, John Stewart, 1890-1972
Bay, Charles Ulrick, 1888-1955
Bedinger, Frank Cleveland, b. 1886
Bedinger, Lena (Reekes)
Bell, A. H.
Bellwood, Mrs. Mabel Oliver
Bevell, Robert H.
Birdsong, William McLemore, b. 1900
Boddie, N. J.
Bohen, Peter J.
Brame, J. E.
Branch, Lila Buford (Goode)
Breckinridge, Henry, 1886-1960
Brown, David H.
Bryson, James D.
Bugg, Carrie Sturdivant (Goode), b. 1882
Burke, V. C.
Burton, F. A.
Burton, Peter, b. 1797?
Butcher, H. P.
Butler, J. T.
Butler, William Edward, 1877-1961
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966
Cadle, P. Hicks
Carroll, Thomas Fitzgerald, b. 1893
Carter, Harvie A.
Case, M. E.
Causey, John Paul, 1916-
Chichester, Cassius Moncure, 1882-1950
Chuckek, Frank
Churchill, Sir Winston, 1874-1965
Clark, W. F.
Clayton, I. L.
Collins, R. B.
Cook, William Henry, b. 1898
Copelin, P. W.
Covington, Josée Gallé
Crawford, Robert B.
Crenshaw, H. B.
Dalton, John Nichols, 1931-1986
Daniel, Juliet Virginia (Goode), b. 1858
Davis, Carlisle Ragland, b. 1903
Day, Albert M., 1897-1979
de Castro, Morris Fidangue, 1902-1966
Dillon, Jesse William, 1904-1972
Dortch, Jeffries Samuel, 1917?-
Drewry, Patrick Henry, 1875-1947
Dunn, James Clement, b. 1890
Edinger, Ernest H.
Eggleston, Mrs. Margaret
Eliot, Theodore Lyman, b. 1903
Emory, R. L.
Ennis, J. R.
Ennis, Rosa E.
Everett, E. H.
Faison, Ernest L.
Farley, A. A.
Fein, Vivian
Feller, Richard T.
Finch, Adam Tyree, 1906-
Flow, Charles B.
Forbes, C. F.
Fowles, E. B.
Frazier, Tyler McCall, b. 1900
Freeman, K. S.
Freeman, Sam B.
Friar, E. M.
Friend, John Wesley, 1881-1943
Geoghegan, Charles Edward
Geoghegan, Wayde Marshall, 1898-1952
Gibbes, F. H.
Gibonney, Stuart Gatewood, 1877-1944
Giles, H. Leslie
Giles, Harry E.
Given, Frederick True
Godwin, Mills E. (Mills Edwin), 1914-1999
Goode, Elizabeth Margaret (Morton), 1856-1890
Goode, John Thomas, 1835-1916
Goode, John Thomas, b. 1879
Goode, John Thomas, 1918-
Goode, Lewis Bouldin, 1929-
Goode, Mary E.
Goode, Morton Graham, 1886-1959
Goode, Richard Hugh, 1893-1967
Goode, William O. (William Osborne), 1798-1859
Goodwyn, Edward Everard, 1874-1961
Gordon, Howard
Gordon, Roy
Gray, Garland, 1901-1977
Gray, Howard Adams, 1878-1958
Green, Esther Holliday
Green, Mrs. McDuff
Gregory, Lucius, b. 1862
Grier, Paul Livingston, 1914-
Hagan, Campbell, b. 1901?
Hallett, R. C.
Hallett, R. H.
Hamilton, A. C.
Hamilton, G. Bernard
Harper, Robert C.
Harris, A. Wayne
Harris, R. A.
Harrison, Albertis S. (Albertis Sydney), 1907-1995
Harrison, Mrs. Frances H.
Harvey, W. E.
Henry, H. M. (Howell Meadoes), 1879-1956
Hicks, A. A.
Higgins, Albert A.
Hightower, Edgar
Hill, William Earl
Hodge, William T.
Hodges, Yewell Melvin, b. 1895
Holloway, J. H.
Hollowell, R. L.
Hopfner, Mogens
Hopkins, Walter Lee, 1889-1949
Hubbard, Helen
Hudgins, Edward Wren, 1882-1958
Hudgins, Lucy Henry (Morton), 1880-1964
Hudgins, William Henry, 1915-1968
Huff, C. W.
Humrickhouse, George Randolph, 1909-
Hurley, Marie V., 1910-
Hutcheson, Alan Gray, 1909-
Hutcheson, John Young, b. 1896
Hutcheson, Joseph Collier, 1906-1972
Hutcheson, Sterling, 1894-1969
Jackson, Charles E.
Jacobson, Gus
James, Arthur W. (Arthur Wilson), b. 1889
Jeffreys, Albert Leonidas
Jeffreys, Edward Goode, 1900-1944
Jeffreys, Herndon Philpott
Jeffreys, Robert Meekin, 1851-1924?
Jeffreys, Sidney B.
Johnston, Mont
Jones, C. Baxter
Jones, C. R.
Jones, L. O.
Joyeuse, Jacques
Kemp, Verbon Eric, b. 1899
Kemper, William Mauzy, 1881-1954
Kendig, Walter Dennis, 1881-1948
Kiefer, H. J.
Kilbourne, Charles Evans, 1872-1963
Knorr, C. John
Lai, Coopee
Lauck, Edward White, b. 1899
Lawler, John Edward, 1908-1982
Lescure, W. C.
Lewis, Meriwether Fielding, 1915-
Lipscomb, Woodrow P.
Long, Raymond V.
Louderback, Charles C., b. 1878
Love, Ronald W.
Loveland, Benjamin W.
Loving, S. L.
Lowe, Jack
Lucy, John Cleveland, 1905-
Lucy, Mary Elizabeth (Jones) Short, 1825-1902
Lundie, Martha Peterson (Short)
Lynn, Mrs. M. R.
McCrea, Archibald Montgomery, 1876-1937
McElrath, John M.
McGrann, John T.
McKinley, A. H.
McMullen, S. D.
McQuade, M. G.
Maddux, Frances (Compton)
Matthews, Joseph
Matthews, Ralph S.
Mazza, Marco
Meredith, Bernard, b. 1893
Merkle, Beatrice
Merryday, Adelaid (Jeffreys)
Meyer, L. C.
Miller, G. E.
Miller, John Clifford, 1908-1998
Mitchell, Harris
Montgomery, Harry S.
Moore, William Cabler
Moreland, Jesse Earl, 1897-1987
Morgan, Charles H.
Morgan, Mrs. Mary S.
Morton, Margaret Elizabeth (Watkins), 1828-1903
Moss, Garland Edward, b. 1902
Mullins, Garnett A.
Myers, J. H. L.
Myers, John A.
Newcomb, Garland
Newcomer, E. H.
Nicol, C. F.
Nichols, Edward West, 1858-1927
Nichols, W. M.
Nickerson, R. H.
Noble, A. J.
Northington, Samuel S.
O’Bannon, S. M.
O’Connor, John
Offley, R. S.
Orgain, J. R. (James Robert), 1917-1992
Orgain, Mrs. Jane N.
Owen, Flavia (Reed), 1919-1993
Owen, Richard D.
Ozlin, Perry Andrews, b. 1894
Palmer, Edward E.
Parker, Lewis Wardlow
Parsons, C. T.
Paschall, Lee
Patterson, Von H.
Payton, Boyd Ellsworth
Perlman, Philip B., 1890-1960
Perrin, Lou
Petts, W. C. Garrett
Phillips, Henry Newton, b. 1864
Phillips, Henry Newton, 1896-1963
Phillips, S. J.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 1875-1934
Pollard, John Garland, 1871-1937
Price, James H. (James Hubert), 1878-1943
Purdy, T. H.
Pyne, Edward
Quast, A.
Quinn, Irving T.
Rashkind, Alan
Rawlings, Mildred S.
Raymond, J. M.
Reed, P.
Rees, Byron T.
Renner, Mrs. M.
Reynolds, Goode D.
Ribble, Frederick Dean Goodwin, 1898-1970
Richards, Nelson F.
Roberts, Benjamin Rowzie, 1880-1942
Roberts, Elizabeth B.
Roberts, Lucy (Mason)
Roberts, Theoderic Erasmus, 1914-
Robertson, Absalom Willis, 1887-1971
Robertson, Arthur H.
Robertson, Mrs. Clarence B.
Robertson, Walter Henderson, 1879-1950
Royal, W. A.
Rucker, Mrs. Margaret W.
Russell, R. Garnett
Sagan, J.
Sale, William Wilson, 1870-1939
Sartain, Esther Frances (Henshaw), 1926-
Saye, J. A.
Servies, James Albert, 1925-
Seward, Ophelia Elizabeth (Short), b. 1900
Shaw, Eugene G.
Sherbondy, Jean Renner (Snyder) Lewis, 1927-
Shields, W. J.
Short, Molly F. (Brown)
Short, Shelton Hardaway, 1872-1955
Short, Susan Elizabeth (Raney), 1873-1967
Short, William Bascom, d. 1863
Siegel, J. Bernard
Smith, Herbert McKelden, 1876-1960
Smith, John Edward, 1912-
Smith, Marian (Jenkins)
Smith, Norborne G.
Smoot, Thomas Arthur, 1900-1969
Spaulding, Albert Barnes
Spaulding, Mrs. Carol
Spaulding, George M.
Spaulding, Samuel Elmer, b. 1878
Spencer, E. Wright
Stam, Colin Ferguson, 1896-1966
Stanley, Thomas B. (Thomas Bahnson), 1890-1970
Starnes, Millard F.
Steed, Bettie
Stem, T. G.
Stewart, Robert Armistead, 1877-1950
Stith, Benjamin A.
Strother, Morgan William, 1896-1958
Sussman, S.
Swallow, William
Swanson, Claude Augustus, 1862-1939
Swift, Mrs. Renette A.
Temple, C. B.
Thies, Forrie E.
Thompson, Graves Haydon, 1907-2003
Tillar, B. Flournoy
Timmons, J. Theron
Trotter, Joseph Triplett
Tuck, William M. (William Munford), 1896-1983
Tucker, Daniel Moseley, 1923-
Turnbull, Irby, 1887-1967
Turner, Mrs. Jennie H.
Turner, Mary Buford (Epes)
Turner, Mrs. Mimi
Turpin, Edna Henry Lee, 1867-1952
Valentine, Corbin Braxton, 1924-
Valentine, Elsie Calvin (Bragg), 1876-1970
Vaughan, Charles H.
von Meysenbug, Mrs. Heda Kock
Walker, S. H.
Walker, Wilbur, 1914-1998
Wall, Mrs. Edith L.
Wallace, Robert Lucius, b. 1902
Waller, Samuel Gardner, 1882-1955
Walsh, Charles Ritchie
Walters, [?]
Ward, Virginia L.
Warriner, Thomas Emmett, 1893-1955
Watson, J. L.
Watson, John
Watson, Walter Allen, 1867-1919
Webb, Mrs. Margaret H.
Weston, Frank E.
Weyrauch, P. H.
Whipple, W. J.
White, George
White, Luther Wesley, 1923-
Whitehead, Robert, 1897-1960
Wicker, John J. (John Jordan), b. 1893
Wilkins, G. L.
Williams, E.
Williams, Edward J.
Williams, Mrs. Norman
Williams, T. Lacy
Williams, W. Guy
Wills, Waller G.
Wilson, Charles Harrison, 1905-1966
Wilson, Etta M.
Wooding, Thomas A.
Wright, William Alfred, 1891-1959
Wyatt, Edward A. (Edward Avery), 1910-1981
Wyatt, Henry L.
Young, John A.
Companies and Organizations
American Red Cross. Mecklenburg Chapter. South Hill Branch
Arthur Anderson & Co. (Portland, Oregon)
Automotive Trade Association (Richmond, Va.)
Blackstone College (Blackstone, Va.)
Brad Enterprises (Bogota, Colombia)
J. H. Chappell & Bro. (Richmond, Va.)
Continental Products, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.)
Coopers & Lybrand (Richmond, Va.)
Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. (Lynchburg, Va.)
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (Portland, Ore.)
Hollowell Chevrolet Company, Inc. (Hertford, N.C.)
The Homestead (Hot Springs, Va.)
Jeffreys, Hester & Co. (Chase City, Va.)
Jeffreys, Spaulding Manufacturing Company, Incorporated (Chase City, Va.)
Jeffreys Motor Company, Inc. (Chase City, Va.)
Jeffreys-McElrath Manufacturing Co. (Macon, Ga.)
Jeffreys-Myers Manufacturing Co. (Oxford, N.C.)
Kaehler Motor Company (Richmond, Va.)
Kappa Alpha Order
Mecklenburg Hardware Co. (Chase City, Va.)
News-Journal (Chester, Va.)
Owens-Merritt Co., Inc. (Danville, Va.)
J. T. & S. J. Reynolds (Chase City, Va.)
Sabona Rheumatic Relief Company, Ltd. (London, Eng.)
Society of the Cincinnati
Spaulding Lumber Company, Inc. (Chase City, Va.)
United States. Office of Price Stabilization
Virginia. Adjutant General
Virginia. Division of Motor Vehicles
Last updated: December 7, 2005