Tayloe Family, Section 269
Tayloe family. Papers, 1650-1970
Section 269. Correspondence, 1857-1907, of Henry Augustine Tayloe
Call Number Mss1 T2118 d 21200-23604
List of Correspondents
Aberdeen Academy (King and Queen County, Va.) SEE Councill, James Calvin
Amers, Thomas M.
Aylett, William Roane, 1833-1900
Bagby, George, 1798-1874
Baker, Catherine Carter (Tayloe), b. 1801.
Balderson, T. N.
Ballantyne, William
Barton, James Jenifer
Barton, William Stone, 1820-1898
Baynham, William Armistead, 1813-1887
Beale, Richard Lee Turberville, 1819-1893
Beale, Robert Hunter, b. 1844
Becker, J.
Bell, John W., 1818-1896
Blackford, Benjamin Lewis, 1835-1908
Blackford, Emily (Neilson) Byrd
Blakistone, T. W.
Borrering, Benjamin
Bowie, Walter William Weems, 1814-1891
Brand, Edmund
Brockenbrough, John Mercer, 1830-1892
Brockenbrough, William Austin, d. 1896
Bronaugh, Joseph William, b. 1846
Brooke, A. T.
Brooke, R. B.
Brown, Edward S.
Brown, George F.
Brown, William Saunders, b. 1820
Burgess, Gam. T.
Cauthorn, R. T.
Cauthorn, Ross A.
Chewning, G. H.
Chilton, A. W., 1839-1882
Chinn, Benjamin Tasker, 1807-1886
Chinn, E[dmonia] R[andolph] (Carter)
Chinn, Joseph William, b. 1836
Chinn, William Yates
Cole, Henry H.
Coleman, W. E.
College of William and Mary SEE Tayloe, Henry Gwynne
Compton, Key, 1863-1927
Conoley, John F.
Cooke, J. H.
Councill, James Calvin, 1825-1904
Crenshaw, Merritt Womble, 1854-1912
Crenshaw, Spotswood Dabney, 1854-1940
Critcher, John, 1820-1901
Cromwell, R.
Croxton, Thomas, 1822-1903
Crump, Beverley Tucker, 1854-1930
Crump, William Wood, 1887-1968
Davies, A. W.
Davis, Lucien A.
Davis, R. G.
Deloach, Thomas
Dew, D. A.
Douglas, H. C.
Downman, Rawleigh William, 1830-1882
Dudley, H. H.
DuVal, E. B.
English, J. W.
Fant, Hamilton G.
Farland, Zebulon Skinner, 1869-1931
Farquhar, Arthur B., 1838-1925
Foote, E. H.
Fraser, John A.
Gallagher, J. E.
Garland, H. R.
Garland, William D.
Garnett, Henry Thomas, 1802-1871
Gary, E.
Gibson, Gilbert Burton
Gilham, William Henry, d. 1884
Gill, T. H.
Gordon, James Roy, 1845-1933
Gordon, Thomas Christian, 1807-1876
Gouldman, H. R.
Gray, P. P.
Gresham, Samuel S., 1817-1897
Gwathmey, William Watts, 1817-1889
Gwyn, John R.
Hale, S. D.
Hall, Robert, b. 1831
Hammill, Hugh
Hardwick, Henry C.
Hardy, Stella Pickett, b. 1877
Hayes, James
Herbert, Edward
Hewitt, Clark C.
Hicks, George
Higgins, Edwin
Hilberg, F. L.
Hobbs, Alexander H.
Hodges, Caroline
Hodges, John
Hodges, Louis Ogle
Hodges, Richard Ogle
Hodges, Susan (Ogle), 1808-1899
Hudnall, William Alfred, 1828-1915
Hudson, R. H.
Hudson, William H.
Hunter, Charles E.
Hutt, C. Warren
Jarboe, William A.
Jett, J. B.
Jett, William N.
Jones, William Atkinson, 1849-1918
Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 1813-1887
Key, William Ogle
Kleinschmidt, Charles
Knox, Douglas Hamilton, 1847-1914
Krise, P. A.
Laird, William
Lee, George, 1831-1892
Lewis, George Washington, 1804-1879
Lewis, Henry Howell, 1817-1893
Lewis, R. B.
Lomax, Presley Thornton, 1820-1893
Ludlam, Harry
Ludlam, Sarah P., Mrs.
Lyell, Henry, 1817-1900
Lyell, John M.
Lyell, Richard H.
Marbury, Fendall, 1829-1896
Marbury, John Carter
Mason, John Thomson, b. 1844
Mason, Wiley Roy, b. 1833?
Maupin, Robert L.
Mayo, Robert, 1784-1864
McDaniel, John W.
McGeorge, Thomas J.
Meenley, George L.
Meredith, Thomas W.
Milford, John W.
Minor, John, 1797-1862
Minskey, John S.
Mitchell, R. F.
Montgomery, A. Judson, b. 1842
Montgomery, Murdoch
Moore, J. F.
Moore, Richard C.
Moore, Robert
Morgan, James M.
Morris, F.
Morrison, Joseph M.
Mozingo, Miskell
Munford, Emma (Tayloe), b. 1834
Munford, George Tayloe, 1854-1928
Munford, George Wythe, 1803-1882
Munford, Thomas Taylor, 1831-1919
Murphy, John
Murphy, Robert
Murrell, John C.
Newton, John Brockenbrough, 1839-1897
Northup, F. U.
Ogle, Anna Maria (Cooke)
Ogle, George Cooke, 1817-1899
Ogle, Richard Lowndes, 1819-1895
Ogle, Rosalie Caroline, b. 1821
Omohundro, William Hunter, 1825-1886
Ormond, T. W.
Ott, John, 1834-1895
Paine, E. Warren
Peirce, R. T.
Pendleton, Francis Walker, 1808-1865
Phelps, Charles E.
Pitts, William D.
Pollard, Edward Spotswood, b. 1832
Pollock, Lucy Daingerfield (Tayloe)
Porter, Maxine
Poultney, T.
Pullen, Thomas, b. 1834
Ramey, J. W.
Ritter, S. W.
Roberts, Joseph Kent, 1840-1888
Robertson, T. C.
Rogers, Henry W.
Rouzie, Henry S.
Rouzie, John S.
Rust, John
Sanborn, J. L.
Sargent, M. H.
Sasscer, Frederick, d. 1888
Saunders, Augustine Neale, b. 1820
Saunders, R. B.
Settle, F. SEE Minskey, John S.
Shackleford, Thomas Roane
Sidney, James C.
Slape, Albert H.
Smith, Francis Lee, 1808-1877
Smith, Francis Lee, 1845-1916
Snyder, Arthur Augustine
Snyder, John Marshall, 1828-1863
Snyder, Sophie Cooke (Tayloe), 1831-1906
Snyder, William Tayloe, 1856-1922
Soran, Thomas W.
Spackman, Henry C.
Stanley, Charles Harvey, 1843-1913
Stanley, William
Stansbury, Sophy (Tayloe), b. 1864
Stewart, R. B.
Stickney, William
Stone, William W.
Stratton, T. E.
Sydnor, G. Hilton
Tabb, Philip, b. 1830
Tayloe, Courtenay Norton (Chinn), 1840-1908
Tayloe, Edward Pointsett, 1831-1888
Tayloe, Edward Thornton, 1829-1881
Tayloe, Estelle, 1872-1956
Tayloe, Henry Gwynne, 1874-1961
Tayloe, John, 1842-1894
Tayloe, John, b. 1818
Tayloe, Joseph
Tayloe, Louise Plater, 1880-1961
Tayloe, Rosa Matilda (Tayloe)
Tayloe, Thomas P.
Tayloe, William, 1840-1907
Tayloe, William Henry, 1867-1937
Tayloe, William Henry, b. 1852
Thomson, John Edgar, 1808-1874
Towles, James
Tyler, Robert Horner, 1838-1902
Tyler, Sally Sophia (Chinn). B. 1839?
Walker, George
Walker, William Wright
Warner, Loren Dexter, 1830-1901
Washington, George, 1825-1896
Webb, Jarvis W.
Webb, S. E., Mrs.
Weedon, James H.
Wellford, Armistead Nelson, 1826-1886
Wellford, Beverley Randolph, 1828-1911
Wellford, Charles B.
Wellford, Charles Carter, 1802-1870
Wellford, Robert Carter, 1853-1919
White, Walter J.
Whiting, A. H.
Whitlock, Nathaniel I. B., b. 1810?
Wilkinson, H. H.
Williams, John C., 1830?-1910
Winchester, G. H.
Winstead, Edwin S.
Wooddy, James P.
Wooddy, Robert C.
Woodville, Middleton Lloyd
Wootton, Richard
Wright, George Thomas, 1821-1872
Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes, 1839-1914
Companies and Organizations
Adler (I.) & Brothers (Uniontown, Ala.)
Aistrop & Dudley (Washington, D.C.)
Basshor (Thomas C.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Bibb (B. C.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Bush & Tayloe (Uniontown, Ala.)
Capron & Gwyn (Baltimore, Md.)
Carter (J. W.) & Co.
Conway (John R.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Copenhaver & Myer (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Crenshaw & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Daniel & Goggin (Lynchburg, Va.)
Dinsmore & Kyle (Baltimore, Md.)
Dobie (R. A.) & Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Easter (Hamilton) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Ernst Brothers (Uniontown, Ala.)
Earnst (M. L. & C.) (Uniontown, Ala.)
Farland & Cauthorn (Tappahannock, Va.)
Farland & Co. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Fellows & John’s (Selma, Ala.)
Fergusson, Tyson & Co. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Goldsborough, Pitts & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Gwathmey & Dobie (Norfolk, Va.)
Hart, Hayes & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Herbert, Hairston & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Hooper (C. W.) & Co. (Selma, Ala.)
Hooper (Wm. J.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Hoover & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
King (Wm. I.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
King George County (Va.). Sheriff
Kirkpatrick & Blackford (Lynchburg, Va.)
Knox (Robt. T.) & Bro. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Lee & Dunham (Baltimore, Md.)
Lee (J. Boykin) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Lee (l. H.) & Brother (Baltimore, Md.)
Lucke (H. H.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Lyell (S. M.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
McCracken (P.) & Bro. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Mason (W. R.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Myer (J. H.), Jr. & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Page (Geo.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Parr (I. M.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Post (Eugene) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Poultney, Trimble & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Progress Engine and Machine Works (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Ramsay (R. & W.) (Alexandria, Va.)
Reese (G. H.) & Bros. (Baltimore, Md.)
Ross (Wm. M.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Rouzie (R. R.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Singer Manufacturing Company (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Churchman (Richmond, Va.)
Starr (B. F.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Stewart & Barron (Baltimore, Md.)
Stollenwerck (H. A.) & Bros. (Selma, Ala.)
Tayloe & Johnston (Uniontown, Ala.)
Towles (William P.) & Bro. (Baltimore, Md.)
Washington & Herbert (Alexandria, Va.)
Watt (George) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Wright (M. B.) & Co. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Young & Ahern (New York, N.Y.)
Last updated: July 26, 2005