Tayloe Family, Section 300
Tayloe Family Papers, 1650-1970
Section 300. Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1756-1970
Call Number Mss1 T2118 d 27406-27620
List of Correspondents
Abercrombie, Robert SEE John S. Carter
Adams, Charles B. SEE George W. Adams
Adams, George W.
Adams, James
Adams, Martha Naylor (Wren), d. 1854 SEE George W. Adams, B. R. Bradford
Allan, John M. SEE George Bagby
Appleby, George F. SEE Henry Howell Lewis
Athey, John SEE John Gibson, Thomas Nelson
Avery, W. C. SEE J. W. Ramey
Ayres, Henry K. W. SEE James F. Moore
Bagby, George, 1798-1874
Baker, Adelaide E.
Baker, James, d. 1870 SEE Phebe (Warren) Tayloe
Ball, Fidelia (Downman), b. 1786 SEE Bartholomew Carter Chinn
Ballendine, John, b. 1781
Beckwith, Newton
Bell, William SEE John F. Varey
Beverley, William Bradshaw, 1791-1866 SEE George Washington Riggs
Blackford, Charles Minor, 1833-1903 SEE Guest (George) & Son, Baltimore, Md.
Borland, Alexander
Boughton, Alexander S., 1814-1891 SEE Foushee G. Tebbs
Bowie, Walter William Weems, 1814-1891 SEE William Baynham Matthews
Boyle, John
Bradford, Benjamin R.
Bramham, Vincent, d. 1839
Brander, W. H. SEE Samuel Austin Patterson
Brent, John Carroll, 1814-1876
Brockenbrough, Austin, 1782-1858
Brockenbrough, William Austin, d. 1896 SEE Parr (I.M.) & Son, Baltimore, Md.
Brooke, A. T. SEE Robert Horner Tyler
Burchell, John B. SEE ALSO Thomas Nelson
Campbell, Donald SEE John Gray
Campbell, John, 1775-1837 SEE William Holburne
Camper, Thomas SEE George W. Adams
Carroll, Charles Hobart, 1794-1865
Carter, John L. SEE William Greenlaw
Carter, John S.
Carter, Mary (Burwell), 1801?-1862 SEE James B. Keating
Carter, Robert Wormeley, 1743-1797 SEE William Holburne
Carter, Robert Wormeley, 1792-1861
Carter, Spencer
Causin, Gerard N.
Causin, N. P. SEE Gerard N. Causin
Chapman, John H. SEE William Watts Gwathmey
Chinn, Bartholomew Carter, d. 1852
Chipman, Norton Parker, 1838-1924
Clarke, Hempsil SEE James F. Moore
Clarke, R. H. SEE Robert Hall
Cleary, Michael SEE John B. Burchell
Compton, Key, 1863-1927 SEE William Henry Tayloe
Connollee, John T. SEE Baldwin B. McKenney
Conway, John Moncure, 1779-1864
Crawford, William Harris, 1772-1834
Critcher, John, 1820-1901 SEE John F. B. Jeffries
Crump, Beverley Tucker, 1854-1930 SEE William Henry Tayloe
Crump, Henrietta Ogle Tayloe, 1861-1949 SEE Beverley Randolph Wellford
Crump, William Wood, 1887-1968 SEE ALSO Thomas Staples Martin
Deatley, Thomas
DeForest, Henry Weeks, 1848-1931 SEE Robert Hall
Dickenson, James SEE Robert Wormeley Carter (1792-1861)
Dickins, Asbury, 1780-1861 SEE Alexander Borland
Donnahan, Robert H. SEE Henry A. Schroeder
DuBose, J. C.
Duval, [?] SEE Thomas Whelan
Edmonston, W. E. SEE Henry Howell Lewis
English, C. W.
English, John A. SEE C. W. English
Ennever, Joseph SEE William Greenlaw
Fant, Edward Lewis SEE George W. Adams
Farquhar, Arthur B., 1838-1925 SEE Richard H. Lyell
Fisher, Samuel H. SEE Spencer Carter
Forrest, Julius, 1795-1825 SEE Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key
Frank, Oscar W. SEE Post (Eugene) & Sons, Baltimore, Md.
Freeborn, Gideon SEE Fereol Lemoine
Freres, John SEE George W. Adams
Garland, Benjamin M.
Garland, William
Garner, Griffen SEE Fereol Lemoine
Gibson, Gilbert Burton SEE Robert Horner Tyler
Gibson, John
Gilmore, James SEE Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key
Glasgow, Mary A., Mrs.
Glasgow, Travers W. SEE Mary A. Travers
Goodwin, Elizabeth SEE Rosa Matilda (Tayloe) Tayloe
Grant, James SEE John R. Sutton
Grattan, Peachy Ridgway, 1801-1881
Gray, John, 1769-1848
Greenlaw, David SEE Reuben L. Pitts
Greenlaw, William
Greer, Alexander SEE Thomas Deatley
Greppin, Dorothea A. (Woodville) Rockhill SEE Adelaide E. Baker
Grimshaw, Elizabeth
Grimshaw, Juliet SEE Elizabeth Grimshaw
Gwathmey, William Watts, 1817-1898
Hall, Robert, b. 1831
Hardisty, George W. SEE Richard Lowndes Ogle
Harwood, Richard Henry, 1802-1872 SEE Thomas J. Headley
Hawley, R.
Headley, Thomas J.
Heath, J. T. SEE Rollow (John J.) & Co., Fredericksburg, Va.
Henry, William T. B.
Hewitt, Clark C.
Hodges, Caroline
Hodges, Susan (Ogle), 1808-1899 SEE Caroline Hodges
Holburne, William, 1748?-1810
Hudson, William H.
Hunter, Frederick C. S. SEE John Tayloe V
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887
Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, 1786-1868
Jeffries, John F. B., 1798-1848
Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876
Jones, Walter, 1776-1861
Joüet, Xenophon SEE Henry Howell Lewis, Henry W. Wiggins
Keating, James B.
Kelley, James
Key, Henry Greenfield Sothoron, 1790-1872
Kirby, Samuel SEE John S. Carter
Laird, William SEE Robert Hall
Latham, Thomas N., b. 1817? SEE Robert Horner Tyler
Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 1734-1797 SEE William Holburne
Lemoine, Fereol
Lewis, Henry Howell, 1817-1893
Lewis, Ann Ogle (Tayloe) SEE Phebe (Warren) Tayloe, Virginia Tayloe
Lomax, John Tayloe, 1781-1862
Lomax, John Tayloe, 1813-1863
Lomax, Presley Thornton, 1820-1893 SEE ALSO John Gibson
Loping, John SEE Austin Brockenbrough
Lovett, John G.
Luckett, Francis W. SEE John Moore
Ludlam, Sarah P., Mrs. SEE Caroline Hodges
Lyell, Richard Henry, 1817-1900
Marbury, John Carter SEE William Stickney
Marshall, R. SEE Capron & Gwyn, Baltimore, Md.
Martin, Thomas Staples, 1847-1919
Matthews, William Baynham, 1850-1914
Maund, John James, d. 1802 SEE William Holburne
Maxson, C. Clarence SEE Robert Hall
Mayo, George Pickett, 1876-1954 SEE Elizabeth Woodville Tayloe
McCann, John SEE Rollow (John J.) & Co., Fredericksburg, Va.
McKenney, A. SEE Robert Hall
McKenney, Baldwin B.
Merchant, William Charles SEE Philip B. Vernon
Middleton, D. W. SEE Reverdy Johnson
Montgomery, R. G. SEE James Kelley
Montgomery, Robert L.
Moore, James F.
Moore, John
Morris, Adolphus, 1813-1871 SEE Presley Thornton Tayloe
Morris, John L.
Morris, Richard, 1815-1844 SEE John L. Morris
Munford, Elizabeth Thorowgood (Ellis), 1818-1900
Munford, Emma (Tayloe), b. 1834 SEE Elizabeth Thorowgood (Ellis) Munford
Murren, George, d. 1824
Nelson, Thomas, d. 1845 SEE ALSO Spencer Carter
Newton, Isaac, 1800-1867 SEE John Carroll Brent, Phebe (Warren) Tayloe
Newton, John SEE John Tayloe Lomax (1781-1862), Presley Thornton Lomax, Capron & Gwyn, Baltimore, Md.
Ogle, Richard Lowndes, 1819-1895
Palmer, Joseph SEE John Moncure Conway
Parker, John Alexander, 1804-1894 SEE William Young Weathers
Patterson, Samuel Austin, 1810-1860
Payne, Rice Winfield Hooe, 1818-1884 SEE George W. Adams
Pendleton, William Armistead, b. 1801 SEE Presley Thornton Lomax
Pettengill, George Ewald, b. 1913 SEE Henry Gwynne Tayloe (b. 1944)
Pierce, Graham
Pitts, Reuben L.
Plater, Mayhew SEE Robert Hall
Pleasants, M. SEE Nathaniel Wilson
Pollard, Robert SEE Presley Thornton Lomax
Porter, William SEE Charles Hobart Carroll
Powell, James F. SEE Newton Beckwith
Purkins, [?] SEE William Greenlaw
Ramey, J. W.
Reddon, C. SEE Sharpe & Sutphin, New York, N.Y.
Reynolds, Jesse David, 1754-1836 SEE William C. Wyatt
Richards, B. SEE James C. Sidney
Richardson, Robert P., 1811?-1892 SEE William Watts Gwathmey
Riggs, George Washington, 1813-1881
Rose, James SEE Robert L. Mongtomery
Sasscer, John H. S., 1857-1892
Saunders, George B. SEE Joseph A. Smith
Saunders, William B.
Schroeder, Henry A. SEE ALSO John Tayloe Lomax (1781-1862), John Tayloe Lomax (1813-1863)
Scott, David
Settle, Edwin Bailey, b. 1813 SEE William Greenlaw
Shackleford, Lyne SEE William B. Saunders
Shackleford, William L. SEE Vincent Bramham
Sidney, James C.
Smith, Francis Lee, 18081-1877 SEE George Washington
Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, William G.
Smoot, Thomas Jefferson SEE John B. Burchell
Spackman, Henry C. SEE George Washington
Spicer, Thomas SEE Reverdy Johnson
Stanley, Charles Harvey, 1843-1913 SEE Caroline Hodges, John H. S. Sasscer
Stickney, William
Stiff, James M. SEE Henrietta (Ogle) Tayloe
Stokes, John W. SEE R. Hawley
Strother, John SEE William H. Crawford
Sutton, John R.
Sweetser, Moses SEE Norton Parker Chipman
Swift, John, 1790-1873 SEE John F. B. Jeffries
Tayloe, Ann (Ogle), 1773-1855 SEE Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key, Virginia Tayloe
Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle, 1796-1868 SEE Phebe (Warren) Tayloe
Tayloe, David T., 1826-1884
Tayloe, Edwin Bladen, 1878-1959 SEE William Wood Crump
Tayloe, Elizabeth Woodville, 1876-1971 SEE ALSO William Wood Crump
Tayloe, Estelle, 1872-1956 SEE ALSO William Wood Crump
Tayloe, Ethel Beatrice SEE Elizabeth Woodville Tayloe
Tayloe, Henrietta (Ogle), 1800-1844
Tayloe, Henry Augustine, 1836-1908 SEE George Bagby, William Henry Tayloe
Tayloe, Henry Gwynne, 1874-1961 SEE William Wood Crump, Thomas Staples Martin
Tayloe, Henry Gwynne, b. 1944
Tayloe, John, b. 1818
Tayloe, M. A. SEE Estelle Tayloe
Tayloe, Phebe (Warren), 1804-1881
Tayloe, Rosa Matilda (Tayloe)
Tayloe, Virginia, 1811-1882
Tayloe, William Henry, 1867-1937 SEE ALSO Estelle Tayloe
Tebbs, Foushee G.
Turner, John SEE Robert Hall
Tyler, Robert Horner, 1837-1902
Valentine, Thomas W., 1824-1901 SEE Robert Hall
Varey, John F.
Vernon, Philip B.
Warren, George Bowers, 1828-1905 SEE Henry Howell Lewis
Washington, George, 1825-1896
Washington, Henry Augustine, 1820-1858 SEE Peachy Ridgway Grattan
Watson, John Henry, Sr. SEE John L. Morris
Watts, J. J.
Waugh, Thomas S. SEE Thomas J. Headley
Weathers, William Young
Webb, William P. SEE John Tayloe Lomax (1813-1863)
Wellford, Beverley Randolph, 1828-1911
Wellford, Robert Carter, 1853-1919 SEE Beverley Tucker Crump
Whelan, Thomas
Wiggins, Henry W.
Wilkes, Jane SEE Virginia Tayloe
Williamson, Basil SEE Walter Jones
Wilson, Nathaniel
Woodville, Elizabeth (Ogle), b. 1798 SEE Phebe (Warren) Tayloe, Virginia Tayloe
Wright, George, 1795-1850 SEE Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter
Wyatt, William C.
Betts (C.) & Co., Wilmington, Del. SEE Rollow (John J.) & Co., Fredericksburg, Va.
Capron & Gwyn, Baltimore, Md.
Chapman & Johnson, Marion, Ala. SEE William Watts Gwathmey
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. SEE Henry Gwynne Tayloe
Cutler (E. P.) & Co., Boston, Mass.
Easter (Hamilton) & Co., Baltimore, Md. SEE Emma (Tayloe) Munford
Ellerson & Wemple, Washington, D.C. SEE Beverley Tucker Crump
Ernst Brothers, Uniontown, Ala. SEE William H. Hudson
Fowler & Sommerville, Montgomery, Ala.
Goodwin (Caleb) & Co., Baltimore, Md. SEE William Young Weathers
Guest (George) & Son, Baltimore, Md.
Henley & Lomax, Demopolis, Ala. SEE J. C. DuBose
Janney (Som & S. H.), Occoquan, Va. SEE Spencer Carter
Ledyards & Schroeder, Mobile, Ala. SEE J. J. Watts
Lee & Dunham, Baltimore, Md. SEE James Adams
Lee (J. Boykin) & Co., Baltimore, Md. SEE Clark C. Hewitt
Lynchburg Rolling Mill, Lynchburg, Va. SEE Cutler (E. P.) & Co., Boston, Mass.
McConky (Jas.) & Co., Baltimore, Md. SEE William G. Smith
Mertin, Lewis & Co., Baltimore, Md. SEE George W. Adams
Page (George) & Co., Baltimore, Md. SEE Post (Eugene) & Sons, Baltimore, Md.
Parr (I. M.) & Son, Baltimore, Md.
Perkins (Wm.) & Sons, Baltimore, Md. SEE John Boyle
Post (Eugene) & Sons, Baltimore, Md.
Rollow (John J.) & Co., Fredericksburg, Va.
Sharpe & Sutphin, New York, N.Y.
Shinn (Stephen) & Co., Alexandria, Va. SEE Henry Howell Lewis
Stollenwerck (H. A.) & Bros., Mobile, Ala. SEE Fowler & Sommerville, Montgomery, Ala.
Tanner (S. C.) & Co., Selma, Ala. SEE J. J. Watts
Van Lew (John) & Co., Richmond, Va. SEE David Scott
Last updated: July 26, 2005