Tayloe Family, Section 81
Tayloe Family. Papers, 1650-1970
Section 81. Correspondence, 1818-1871, of William Henry Tayloe
Call Number Mss1 T2118 d 2123-7922
List of Correspondents
Adams, Richard H.
Addison, Henry
Agriculture – Societies, etc. SEE Gray, William Fairfax
Alderson, Lucy B. (Darby)
Alexander, William
Alexandria Boarding School (Alexandria, Va.) SEE Hallowell, Benjamin
Allen, Augustus
Allen, George H.
Allen, R. B.
Allen, William
Alsop, Boswell, 1839-1912
Andrews, John D.
Armistead, Walker Keith, 1783-1845
Arnold, John H.
Atkins, Layton Y, 1802?-1866.
Atkinson, R. L.
Atkinson, Richard
Atwill, J. R.
Autocrat (Horse) SEE Bannerman, William W.
Bacon, John Lydall, 1812?-1887
Bagby, John, 1792-1880
Bailey, Austin
Bailey, Chester, 1769-1841
Bailey, James F.
Baker, Catherine Carter (Tayloe), b. 1801
Baker, James, d. 1870
Ball, Fidelia (Downman), b. 1786
Ball, Joseph, 1777-1851
Baltimore (Md.) – Economic conditions SEE Conway, John R.
Bank of Virginia (Fredericksburg, Va.) SEE Gordon, William Knox; Roberts, William J.
Barnes, Arthur L.
Barnes, Thomas Roane
Barnett, Richard
Barry, Thomas
Barton, Thomas Bowerbank, 1792-1871
Barton, William Stone, 1820-1878
Bates, John
Bayly, B. S.
Beale, Henry, b. 1803
Beale, Hiram P., d. 1862
Beall, Aquilla Brooke
Beall, Louisa (Ogle), b. 1812
Beall, Richard
Beckett, Benjamin H.
Belfield, John
Belfield, John Wright, 1796-1863
Belfield, Peggy (Shackleford)
Belfield, Thomas Meriwether
Bell, James L.
Bell, William
Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858
Berry, James A.
Berry, Thomas
Betts, Royston
Bevans, Mary Antonia
Beverley, James Bradshaw, 1797-1853
Beverley, Peter Randolph, b. 1780
Beverley, Robert, 1769-1843
Beverley, Robert, 1822-1901
Beverley, William Bradshaw, 1791-1866
Bickel, Philip F.
Bird, J. Edward
Blackford, Emily (Neilson) Byrd
Blackford, Launcelot Minor, 1837-1914
Blackford, William Matthews, 1801-1864
Blacklock, Robert S.
Blackwell, J. W.
Blair, Samuel Jordan, 1789-1845
Blake, Benjamin R.
Blake, James G.
Blakey, Robert
Boggs, Lawrence G.
Bohrer, Benjamin F.
Bohrer, Maria (Forrest) Tayloe, d. 1870
Booth, Robert J.
Booth, Zalmon
Bott, A. B.
Boughton, Anderson, d. 1825
Boughton, Benjamin, 1777?-1842
Boyd, D. A.
Boyle, John
Bradley, James M.
Bramham, John B.
Bramham, Mary Carter Burnett (Claiborne), 1786-1864
Bramham, Mary S. (Benningham)
Bramham, Philip Alexander, b. 1799
Bramham, Vincent, d. 1839
Brann, John B.
Bransom, Archibald
Brawner, Basil
Brawner, William Gardner, 1829-1863
Braxton, Carter, 1789-1855
Braxton, John
Braxton, [?]
Breitling, G.
Brent, John Carroll, 1814-1876
Broadwell, James
Brockenbrough, Austin, 1781-1858
Brockenbrough, John Mercer, 1830-1892
Brockenbrough, Moore Fauntleroy, 1780-1845
Brockenbrough, Thomas, 1776-1832
Brockenbrough, William Fauntleroy, d. 1890
Bronaugh, Joseph William, b. 1846
Brooke, A. T.
Brooke, Edward
Brooke, Reubin
Brooke, William, 1786-1842
Brooke, William Thornton
Brooks, S.
Brown, James, 1780-1859
Brown, Richard T.
Brown, W. R.
Buck, John
Buckner, Elias Edmonds, 1792-1865
Burchell, John B.
Burnett, Charles A.
Burnett, P. H.
Burwell, Abraham L.
Burwell, Maria Mann (Page), 1784-1867
Butcher, Alexander
Butler, George Griffin, 1822-1908
Butler, J. O.
Byer, Frederick, 1797-1876
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1801-1872
Campbell, James W.
Campbell, Thomas, 1790-1858
Campbell, William Bowen, 1807-1867
Camper, John
Capron, R. J.
Cargo, William H.
Carroll, William Thomas, d. 1863
Carter, A. L.
Carter, Alfred Ball, 1823-1901
Carter, Edwin
Carter, Elizabeth Landon, b. 1806
Carter, John Armistead, b. 1808
Carter, Landon, 1804?-1829
Carter, Mary (Burwell), ca. 1801-1862
Carter, Robert Wormeley, 1792-1861
Carter, Spencer
Carter, St. Leger Landon, 1785-1851
Cauthorn, Alfred
Cauthorn, Lucius H.
Chandler, H.
Chapman, John H.
Chapman, Thomas
Chapron, John M.
Chevis, David T.
Chew, Robert Stanard, 1828-1886
Chinn, Bartholomew Carter, d. 1852
Chinn, Benjamin Tasker, 1807-1886
Chinn, John Leroy
Chinn, Joseph William, 1798-1840
Chinn, Joseph William, b. 1836
Chinn, T. C.
Chinn, William Yates
Christian, William Albert
Christy, Joseph
Claggett, Thomas
Clark, John
Clarke, Maria (Beverley), b. 1793?
Clarke, R. H.
Clarke, Richard, b. 1814
Clarke, Thornton
Clarke, W. E.
Claybrook, Richard A., 1817-1873
Claybrook, W. L.
Cleary, Michael
Clements, Lemuel
Clenar, J. E.
Cloverdale (Botetourt County, Va.) SEE Wharton, Dabney M.
Cloverdale (Richmond County, Va.) SEE Jeffries, Ebenezer
Cockran, C.
Coffin, William H.
Coleman, George
Coleman, J. G. P.
Coleman, James Daniel, 1814-1878
Collawn, John W. S.
Collawn, Judith (Garrett)
Collins, Charles
Collins, John
Collins, John W.
Colquhoun, Mary Connellee
Colquhoun, William S.
Concord Academy (Caroline County, Va.) SEE Coleman, James Daniel
Conway, Eustace, 1820-1857
Conway, John Moncure, 1779-1864
Conway, John R.
Conway, Valentine Yelverton, 1803-1882
Conway, Walker Peyton, 1805-1884
Cooke, James
Cooper, E. J.
Corbin, James Parke, 1809-1868
Corbin, John Sawbridge
Corbin, William Ligon, 1809-1884
Corcoran, William Wilson, 1798-1888
Cox, Carlos
Cox, G. Thomas
Cox, Walter Smith, 1826-1902
Crabb, William Middleton Mayo, 1814-1881
Crawford, M. F.
Crawford, William
Critcher, John, 1820-1901
Crittenden, Robert N.
Croxton, Carter
Curtis, William V.
Dalrymple, Edwin Augustine, 1819-1882
Dameron, Willis
Darby, John
Darby, John Custis
Davis, Daniel
Davis, H. S.
Davis, R. M.
Davis, Richard
Dawes, [?]
Deatley, Thomas
Deeble, I. W.
Deep Hole (Prince William County, Va.) SEE Burchell, John B.; Carter, Spencer; Gaines, B. R., Nash, James V.; Pollard, Robert; Spilman, Samuel
Dickenson, James
Dickins, Asbury, 1780-1861
Dickins, Robert
Dickinson, Jonathan
Dishman, James
Dobyns, George Henry, 1799-1857
Donnaham, A., Mrs.
Donnaham, Richard H.
Downman, George William, 1794-1845
Downman, James Wilmot Payne, b. 1799
Downman, John Bartholomew, 1793-1859
Downman, Rawleigh William, 1762-1838
Downman, Rawleigh William, 1830-1882
Downman, William Yates, 1830-1863
Dulany, Henry Rozier, d. 1838
Dunlop, William L.
Dunn, Lewis
Duvall, Charles
Earle, John B.
Eckloff, C.
Edmonds, Ralph
Edmonson, William
Edmundson, Charles L.
Egypt (Prince William County, Va.) SEE Brawner, Basil; Brawner, William Gardner; Earle, John B.
Eliason, M. S.
Endicott, George
England, A.
English, John A.
Episcopal High School (Alexandria, Va.) SEE Blackford, Launcelot Minor; Dalrymple, Edwin A.; McGuire, John Peyton
Eustace, William Conway
Evans, Richard
Fairfield Races (Northumberland County, Va.) SEE Corbin, John Sawbridge
Farrow, T. M.
FaunLeRoy, Annette L.
Fauntleroy, Fanny
Fauntleroy, Henry
Fauntleroy, Robert, 1758-1832
FauntLeRoy, Robert Bruce, 1832-1907
Fendall, Benjamin Truman
Fendall, Townshend D.
Ficklen, Joseph Burwell, 1800-1874
Fisher, Andrew
Fisher, Lewis
Fitzhugh, George, 1806-1881
Fitzhugh, Henry
Fitzhugh, William Henry, 1787-1858
Flippo, Joseph P.
Fones, R. P.
Foote, E. H.
Forbes, Gordon
Ford, William M.
Forester, W. W.
Forrest, Richard, d. 1859
Foster, James
Fowle, William H.
Frank, William W.
Franklin, John J.
Franklin, William H.
Fredericksburg Agricultural Society (Fredericksburg, Va.) SEE Gray, William Fairfax
Freeland, Archibald
French, Mason
Friend, William, 1803?-1870
Friend, William Nathaniel, 1804-1859
Fry, Charles Meriwether, 1822-1892
Fuller, Azariah
Fuller, Edward H.
Furnaces SEE Jackson, William A.
Gaines, B. R.
Gaither, James B.
Garland, Daniel
Garland, John Belfield, 1800-1877
Garland, John Daniel, b. 1840
Garland, William D.
Garnett, George William, 1829-1903
Garnett, Henry Thomas, 1802-1871
Garnett, Maria (Hunter), 1797-1873
Garnett, Muscoe, 1808-1880
Garrett, Catherine (Boughton)
Garrett, James M.
Garrett, William
Garrison, James S.
Garth, John
Gholson, Thomas Saunders, 1809-1868
Gibbs, John
Gibson, George, d. 1861
Gibson, John
Gibson, John H.
Gill, C.
Gilliam, John W., b. 1810
Glasscock, Aldie A.
Glenn, Richard
Glover, W. F.
Gloyd, Samuel
Goldsby, George W.
Goldsby, John S.
Goldsby, Matilda L.
Goodrich, Charles, d. 1848
Goodwin, Elizabeth F.
Gordon, T. J.
Gordon, William Knox, 1799-1886
Gouldman, Robert, d. 1838
Grant, James
Grattan, Peachy Ridgway, 1801-1881
Gray, John Bowie, 1808-1861
Gray, William Fairfax, 1787-1841
Green, Gardner
Green, James
Green, James Lane
Greene, Henry Fay
Greenlaw, William
Gresham, Samuel, b. 1810
Gresham, Thomas
Griffice, James
Grimshw, William
Grymes, Rebecca Tayloe (Wormeley), b. 1787
Guttridge, Alexander S.
Gwathmey, Mary Lavinia (Tayloe), 1835-1929
Gwathmey, William Watts, 1817-1898
Hagner, D. R.
Hall, C. J.
Hall, Henry
Hall, Robert
Hallowell, Benjamin, 1799-1877
Halsted, James W.
Hammack, R. C.
Hammill, Hugh
Hammon, John D.
Hancock, Spencer T.
Handy, S. W.
Hanes, J. E.
Hansford, Theodosius, 1768-1824
Harding, G. B.
Hare, Otway P., b. 1803?
Harford, Henry
Harper, Walter
Harrison, Thomas A.
Harrison, William Alexander, b. 1795
Harriss, Letty
Harvey, Lewis G.
Harwood, Richard Henry, 1802-1872
Hatch, Narcissa Elizabeth (Tayloe)
Haviland, John
Hay, Eliza, Mrs.
Haynes, William C.
Headley, Thomas J.
Healy, Samuel L. S.
Hedenberg, John C.
Heller, Johnson
Herbert, William
Herndon, Charles
Herndon, John Minor, 1808-1871
Hicks, George
Higgins, James
Hill, Charles H.
Hill, Richard
Hill, Richard S.
Hindman, William
Hinson, William W.
Hodge, Caroline
Hodge, R. C.
Hodges, John
Hodges, Susan (Ogle), 1808-1899
Hodgson, William, d. 1820
Hodgson, William Ludwell, 1800-1841
Holcroft, Edward W.
Holland, Henry
Holmead, James B.
Holt, B. S.
Hooe, Nathaniel H.
Hooff, John, 1783-1859
Horse racing – Virginia SEE Corbin, John Sawbridge
Horses SEE Bannerman, William W.; Barry, Thomas; Jones, John; Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield
Hudson, Alfred
Hudson, R. H.
Hungerford, John Washington, 1788-1850
Hunt, R. Finley
Hunter, P.
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887
Hunter, Robert W.
Hunter, Taliaferro, 1811-1900
Hunter, Thomas Lomax, 1810-1900
Hunton, Eppa, 1822-1908
Hyde, A.
Ingle, Imogen (Tayloe), b. 1847
Jackson, R. L.
Jackson, William A., 1807-1875
Janney, Asa M.
Janney, Samuel H.
Jarboe, William A.
Jefferies, W. C.
Jeffries, Ebenezer
Jeffries, John
Jeffries, John F. B., 1798-1848
Jeffries, Joseph R., 1836-1866
Jeffries, Orville
Jeffries, Sydnor
Jeffries, William Roane
Jenifer, Daniel, 1791-1855
Jenifer, James Craik, d. 1867
Jenifer, Louise Rebecca (Tayloe), 1828-1851
Jenifer, Walter Hanson, 1823-1878
John, J. R
Johns, John, 1796-1876
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, John M.
Johnson, Marmaduke, 1825-1871
Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, W. R.
Johnson, Younger
Johnston, Fayette
Jones, E. S.
Jones, Joel W.
Jones, John
Jones, Thomas
Kankey, Zebulon A.
Kavanagh, P.
Keller, John
Kelley, James
Kellogg, William
Kendall, Samuel
Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 1813-1887
Kennedy, William L.
Kerr, Alexander
Key, Henry Greenfield Sothoron, 1790-1872
Key, Henry Sothoron
Key, John Tayloe, 1816-1845
Key, Virginia, Mrs.
Key, William Ogle
Kidd, J. W.
King, Charles Bird, 1785-1862
Knox, Thomas Fitzhugh, 1807-1890
Knox, William A., 1789?-1831
Laird, William
Lambie, James
Langhorne, John Miller, 1817-1897
Langhorne, William, 1783-1858
Laubert, J. L.
Lawson, Robert
Lee, Cassius Francis, 1808-1890
Lee, Charles P.
Lee, William L.
Leland, L. A. M.
Lemoine, Fereol
Leonard, J. L. R.
Lesesue, Thomas
Lewis, Anna Maria (Lomax), 1808-1853
Lewis, Anne Ogle (Tayloe)
Lewis, George Washington, 1804-1879
Lewis, Henry Howell, 1817-1893
Lewis, Virginia Tayloe, 1842-1916
Lewis, W.
Limborn, J. H.
Lime SEE Higgins, James
Lippitt, Edward Russell, 1798-1870
Lipscomb, Philip D., 1817-1866
Lipscomb, William E.
Loane, J. W.
Lomax, Catherine L., 1782-1862
Lomax, Eleanor, 1788-1877
Lomax, John Tayloe, 1781-1862
Lomax, John Tayloe, 1813-1863
Lomax, Presley Thornton, 1820-1893
Lomax, Thomas Lunsford, b. 1803
Lowry, John B., b. 1802?
Lumpkin, Achilles, 1800?-1859
Lumpkin, William H. G.
Lyddam, Stephen M.
Lyell, Richard Henry, 1817-1900
Lyell, Samuel M.
Lyell, Thomas Sanford, 1775-1848
Lynham, John A., 1840?-1885
Lyon, M. A.
Lyons, E.
Macaboy, James A.
Manning, A. R.
Marmaduke, James Bragg, 1802-1863
Marmaduke, William Bragg, 1807-1840
Marshall, R.
Martin, J. L.
Martin, John P.
Martin, Thomas B.
Marx, Samuel, 1796-1860
Mason, Charles, 1810-1888
Mason, Wiley Roy, b. 1806?
Massey, John P.
Mather, J. C.
Matthews, Thomas
Mattingly, William Francis, 1837-1918
Maugin, Anne Ogle (Tayloe)
Mayo, John, 1812-1869?
McCabe, James Dabney, 1808-1875
McCarty, William Downman, b. 1791?
McCauley, William, b. 1837
McComas, E.
McDermott, John
McElroy, James
McGreevy, A. J.
McGuire, James
McGuire, John Peyton, 1800-1869
McKenney, Baldwin B.
Meade, Robert Everard, 1816-1888
Meade, William, 1789-1862
Menifee, William J., d. 1858?
Menokin (Richmond County, Va.) SEE Boughton, Benjamin; Harwood, Richard Henry; Waddey, John M.
Merchant, William Charles
Meriwether, Minor, b. 1828
Merrill, E. H.
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield, b. 1803?
Micou, Albert
Micou, James Roy, 1807-1892
Miller, Thomas, 1806-1873
Milne, Colin R., b. 1817?
Milstead, William
Minnigerode, Charles Frederic Ernest, 1814-1894
Minor, John, 1797-1862
Mitchell, C. G.
Mitchell, Carter, 1787-1846?
Mitchell, John Chinn
Mitchell, John W, b. 1802?
Mitchell, Richard Ball
Mitchell, Robert Bladen, 1785-1842
Montgomery, Elizabeth Thornton (Reynolds), b.1805
Montgomery, Robert L.
Moore, George
Moore, John
Moore, Robert N.
Moore, W. H.
Moore, W. T.
Morgan, R. A.
Motley, John
Moxley, James B.
Mozingo, Reuben B.
Mulberry Hill (Stafford County, Va.) SEE Boughton, Benjamin
Mullikin, Emilie
Mullikin, James
Munford, Emma (Tayloe), b. 1834
Munford, George Wythe, 1803-1882
Munford, John
Munford, Thomas Taylor, 1831-1919
Murphy, John
Murphy, Robert
Murren, William Thompson, d. 1827
Myer, James
Naglee, John
Nash, James V.
Nax, Joseph
Neabsco (Prince William County, Va.) SEE Merchant, William Charles
Neale, Augustine, 1777-1852
Neale, Elizabeth T. (Smith)
Neale, Juliet Ann (McCarty)
Needles, Edward
Needles, John
Neilson, Robert
Nelms, E. G.
Nelson, Jane E. (Crease) Nelson, 1816?-1878
Nelson, Philip, 1766-1851
Nelson, Thomas, d. 1845
Nevis, W. J.
New York (N.Y.) – Economic conditions SEE Wood, Silas
Newton, George Bolton
Newton, Isaac, 1800-1867
Newton, John
Newton, Willoughby, 1802-1874
Nicholson, Augustine A., d. 1855
Nicolson, George Dudley, 1787-1823
Nicolson, George Llewellyn, 1814-1883
Nicolson, James Monroe, b. 1820
Nicolson, Robert Wormeley, b. 1812
Noel, Thomas, d. 1848
Norfolk, Owen
Nunnally, Lawson, 1803-1876
Ogle, Anna Maria (Cooke), b. 1777
Ogle, Benjamin, 1775-1844
Ogle, George Cooke, 1817-1899
Ogle, Richard Lowndes, 1819-1895
Ogle, Rosalie Caroline, 1821-1914
Ogle, William Cooke, 1801-1868?
Oldham, Thomas
Olliphant, Anne Ogle (Tayloe) Maupin
Olliphant, Maupin
Ormond, J. J.
Owens, J.
Page, R. C.
Page, William Byrd, 1787-1828
Paine, John W.
Palmer, Charles, 1796-1866
Palmer, Joseph
Parker, Jabez
Parker, John
Parker, John Alexander, 1804-1894
Pasteur, C. V.
Patterson, George Clarke
Patterson, John
Patteson, Samuel Austin, 1809-1860
Patton, Hugh Mercer, d. 1846
Payne, Richard Atkinson, 1819-1880
Peirce, Ransdell
Pemberton, W. G.
Pendleton, Francis Walker, 1808-1865
Pendleton, John Lewis, b. 1790
Perkins, W. H.
Peter, George, 1779-1861
Peyton, Balie, 1803-1878
Peyton, William Madison, 1804-1868
Phillips, A. A.
Phillips, John B.
Phillips, John H.
Phillips, Samuel
Pianos SEE Laubert, L. L.
Pickett, James Chamberlayne, 1793-1872
Pitts, David
Pitts, P. H.
Pitts, Reuben L.
Poindexter, George B.
Poindexter, John B.
Poindexter, William Munday, b. 1846
Polkinhorn, Charles
Pollard, Robert
Pool, Stephen F.
Porter, Robert B.
Porter, William Trotter, 1809-1858
Pratt, John, 1789-1855
Pratt, Thomas
Price, James Lindsay, b. 1798?
Prices-current SEE Conway, John R.; Ford, William M.; Wood, Silas
Pryse, Charles
Quisenberry, E. B.
Raines, Thomas G.
Ramey, J. W.
Ramey, Joshya
Ramsay, William
Ranken, David
Ravenswood (Horse) SEE Jones, John
Redin, W.
Reed, Joseph B.
Reeves, Courtney
Rendrell, Samuel
Rennolds, Andrew, b. 1783
Rennolds, Daniel, b. 1786
Reynolds, Conway, 1819-1904
Reynolds, Edwin
Reynolds, Jesse David, b. 1787
Rice, George R.
Richmond County, Va. School commissioners SEE Brown, James
Riggs, George Washington, 1813-1881
Roane, Lawrence
Roberts, William J.
Robey, Henry Richard, 1810-1876
Robinson, A.
Robinson, W. A.
Robinson, William S.
Rouzee, John S.
Rouzee, Richard
Russell, Joseph
Rust, Benjamin D.
Sampson, George, d. 1835
Sasscer, Frederic, d. 1888
Saunders, Addison H., 1810-1857
Saunders, Edward Sydnor, b. 1818
Saunders, George, 1768-1843
Saunders, George B.
Saunders, John
Saunders, William R.
Scarborough, H.
Schools – North Carolina – Raleigh SEE Smedes, Aldert
Schools – Virginia – Alexandria SEE Hallowell, Benjamin
Schools – Virginia – Caroline County SEE Coleman, James Daniel
Scott, David
Scott, George B.
Seaton, Malcolm
Seddon, Thomas, 1776-1831
Selden, William, 1791-1874
Sellman, James C.
Selma (Ala.) – Economic conditions SEE Ford, William M.
Selma & Meridian Rail Road Company SEE Taylor, Joseph
Semple, Robert Baylor, 1769-1831
Settle, Drana T.
Settle, Edwin Bailey, b. 1813
Settle, Mary (Greenlaw), d. 1845
Settle, William, d. 1833
Shackleford, Lyne
Shaddock, Mordecai
Shaw, Hugh H.
Shearman, Joseph William
Shepard, A. K.
Shryock, Henry S.
Sibley, Samuel B.
Simms, Edward
Skinner, John Stuart, 1788-1851
Smedes, Aldert
Smith, Allen D.
Smith, Augustine Jaquelin, 1828-1889
Smith, Francis, d. 1844
Smith, Francis Lee, 1808-1877
Smith, George Archibald, 1802-1889
Smith, James, b. 1799
Smith, James Marsden, 1803?-1889
Smith, James P.
Smith, John Adams, 1802-1865
Smith, John T.
Smith, Nathan Ryno, 1797-1877
Smith, Richard O.
Smith, William G
Smith, William W.
Smith, Willoughby Newton, 1836-1866
Smither, J. M.
Snowden, Edgar, 18101-1875
Snyder, John Marshall, 1828-1863
Snyder, S. C.
Snyder, Sophie Cooke (Tayloe), 1831-1906
Society Hill (King George County, Va.) SEE Herndon, John Minor
Somervell, Amelia
Somervell, James
Somervell, P. B.
Southworth, Mark J.
Spackman, Henry C.
Spilman, Samuel
Spotts, James C., 1823-1900
Springfield (Prince William County, Va.) SEE Brawner, Basil
St. Mary’s (Raleigh, N.C.) SEE Smedes, Aldert
Stanley, Charles Harvey, 1843-1913
Staples, Walter Redd, 1826-1897
Stephens, E. B.
Stephens, W. C.
Stevens, R. E.
Stiff, James M.
Stith, F. Eppes
Stith, John
Stonnell, Richard
Storrs, Mary Contese (Semple), b. 1799
Strode, John A.
Strode, Thomas
Sturman, William Young, 1788-1848
Summy, B. W.
Sutton, John R.
Sydnor, Fortunatus, d. 1840
Sydnor, Robert B.
Taliaferro, James L.
Taliaferro, John, 1768-1852
Tanneries SEE Boyle, John
Tayloe, Ann (Ogle), 1773-1855
Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle, 1796-1868
Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle, 1825-1844
Tayloe, Charles, 1810-1847
Tayloe, Courtenay Norton (Chinn), 1840-1906
Tayloe, Edward Poinsett, 1831-1888
Tayloe, Edward Thornton, 1803-1876
Tayloe, Edward Thornton, 1829-1881
Tayloe, George Edward, 1838-1879
Tayloe, George Plater, 1804-1897
Tayloe, Henry Augustine, 1808-1903
Tayloe, Henry Augustine, 1836-1908
Tayloe, John, 1793-1824
Tayloe, John, 1842-1894
Tayloe, John, b. 1818
Tayloe, John William, 1831-1904
Tayloe, Lucy Beverley (Randolph), b. 1833
Tayloe, Phebe (Warren), 1803-1881
Tayloe, Rosa Matilda (Tayloe)
Tayloe, Virginia, 1811-1882
Tayloe, William, 1840-1907
Tayloe, William Henry, b. 1852
Taylor, Joseph
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, Thomas P.
Taylor, William Fowler, 1812-1880
Temple, John Samuel, 1800-1834
Terrell, L. R.
Terrell, Mary E., Mrs.
Thom, Reuben Triplett, 1782-1868
Thomas, George
Thomas, Jenkin
Thomas, Pierre
Thompkins, Edmund W., 1805?-1872
Thomson, John Edgar, 1808-1874
Thornton, James Bankhead, 1806-1867
Thornton, John Tayloe
Thornton, Presley, 1820-1893
Thornton, William, 1759-1828
Threshing machines SEE Booth, Zalmon
Tidball, Lucy Gwynn (Page), 1798?-1870
Tiffey, John B.
Tillman, J. M.
Towles, James
Travers, D. B.
Trent, Peterfield, 1824-1875
Tucker, John Randolph, 1823-1897
Turner, Carolinus
Turner, John R.
Tychicus (Horse) SEE Bannerman, William W.
Tyler, Wat Henry, 1788-1862
Van Bokkelen, Libertus
Van Hook, M. A.
Vaughan, Asa
Vaughan, J. P.
Violett, J. W.
Waddey, John M., 1810?-1857
Walker, R.
Walker, Thomas W.
Wallace, John Hooe, 1793-1873
Wallace, Robert
Waller, Edwin
Ward, Charlotte, Mrs.
Ward, Mary (Blincoe)
Ward, William Norvell, 1805-1881
Ware, Henry
Warren, Eugenia Phebe (Tayloe), 1836-1913
Warrren, George Bowers, 1828-1905
Washington, George, 1823-1896
Washington, Henry Augustine, 1820-1858
Washington, Lawrence, 1800-1886
Washington, Sarah (Tayloe), 1765-1834
Washington, William Augustine, 1804-1830
Watson, George, 1784-1853
Watson, John Henry
Watts, J. J.
Waugh, Lawrence L.
Waugh, Thomas S.
Weaver, P. J.
Webb, William
Webb, Wyatt B.
Weedon, J.
Weems, Walter William, 1814-1891
Weir, Robert
Wellford, Armistead Nelson, 1826-1884
Wellford, Beverley Randolph, 1797-1870
Wellford, Horace, 1790-1828
Wellford, Rebecca (Plater)
Wharton, Dabney Miller, 1804-1887
White, George
White, J. H.
White, John
White, John P.
Wight, John
Wilkinson, Laura A.
Willard, Edwin D.
Willard, Henry Augustus, 1822-1909
Willard, Joseph Clapp, d. 1891
Williams, William A., 1787-1846
Williamson, Robert Carter, 1797-1873
Williamson, William
Wilmer, Edwin
Wilson, James S.
Wilson, Thomas C.
Windsor, William
Winn, Walter E.
Withers, Clara (Colquhoun), 1825-1892
Withers, Edmund, 1818-1879
Womble, John, 1793-1858
Women – Education SEE Smedes, Aldert
Wood, Joseph
Wood, Silas
Woodall, P. T.
Wooddy, Robert C.
Woodruff, E. D.
Woodville, Elizabeth (Ogle), b. 1798
Woodville, James Lewis, 1820-1904
Woodville, William, d. 1859
Woolly, T. T.
Word, C. C.
Wright, George, 1795-1850
Wright, William Alfred, 1832-1862
Wroe, A. D.
Yost, Casper, 1785-1850
Young, N.
Young, William
Adams & Allen (Mobile, Ala.)
Allen (W. W.) & Co. (Liverpool, England)
Allen & Haden (Mobile, Ala.)
Allen, Gholson & Co. (Liverpool, England)
Allen, Ware & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Avery (B. & D.) (Greensboro, Ala.)
Babcock & Fulks
Baker & Schroeder (Mobile, Ala.)
Ball & Roy (Baltimore, Md.)
Barker (Wm.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Beck, Knox & Kerby (Alexandria, Va.)
Bible Society of Virginia
Blake & Davenport (Boston, Mass.)
Bogart & Kneeland (New York, N.Y.)
Brent & Watkins (Alexandria, Va.)
Brockenbrough (A.) & Co. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Brockenbrough & Harvie (Richmond, Va.)
Canfield Bro. & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Capron & Gwyn (Baltimore, Md.)
Carr & Kerr (St. Louis, Mo.)
Catlin, Leavitt & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Cazenove (A. C.) & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Conway (John R.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Conway & Armstrong (Baltimore, Md.)
Cooke (Wm.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Corcoran & Riggs (Washington, D.C.)
Costtan & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Crawford (Hugh & Wm., Jr.) (Baltimore, Md.)
Critcher & Parker (Tappahannock, Va.)
Crump (W.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Cuddy, Brown & Co. (New Orleans, La.)
Dade & Raynolds (Mobile, Ala.)
Dae, hurzthal & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Dinsmore & Kyle (Baltimore, Md.)
Doyle (T. J.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.
DuBose (I. C.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Duncan, Sherman & Company (New York, N.Y.)
Easter (Hamilton) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Fandy (John B.) & Auld (Baltimore, Md.)
Fellows & John (Selma, Ala.)
Fowle (Wm.) & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Franklin (James H.) & Co. (Selma, Ala.)
Fredericksburg Female Seminary (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Fry (C. M.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Fry (Chas. M.) (New York, N.Y.)
Galleher, Young & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Garnett (W. H.) & Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Gill (B. T.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Glenn (John) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Goldthwaite & Semple (Montgomery, Ala.)
Goodwin & Robbins (Selma, Ala.)
Green (D.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Griswold & Claiborne (Richmond, Va.)
Guion & Co. (Liverpool, England)
Gwathmey (W. & G.) (Richmond, Va.)
Hall (C.) & Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Hardy & Delk (Norfolk, Va.)
Hart, Hayes & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Harvey (Joshua) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Harwood & Steuart (Baltimore, Md.)
Hayward, Bartlett & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Herbert, Hairston & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Hill (N. B. & C.) (Richmond, Va.)
Hill (Richd. Jr.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Hogg (William) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Howard (Geo. M.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Huggins & Co. (Selma, Ala.)
Huggins & Steele (Selma, Ala.)
Jackson & Roberts (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Janney (J. & J. H.) (Alexandria, Va.
Janney (J. & J. H.) (Occoquan, Va.)
Janney (Jos.) & Co. (Occoquan, Va.)
Jenkins (Wm.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Johnson (Geo.) & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Jones & Bush (Uniontown, Ala.)
Kelly (T.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
King’s (James G.) Sons (New York, N.Y.)
Kirk (Saml.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Lakenan & Sunderland (Hannibal, Mo.)
Leche (David) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Ledyards & Schroeder (Mobile, Ala.)
Lemoine (F. Jr.) & Co. (Richmond Court House, Va.)
Logan (J. H.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Luck (H. H.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Mallory, Ross & Blocker (Mobile, Ala.)
Master, Markoe & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Mazange (O.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
McClure & Thames (Selma, Ala.)
McClure, Thames & Johnson (Selma, Ala.)
McConky (Jas.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
McConky, Parr & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
McDonald (William) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
McIlvain & Williams (Baltimore, Md.)
Meredith & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Meredith, Spencer & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Mills & Bowman
Morris (Peter) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Murphy (S. J.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Myer (James) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Otey (Jno. & Thos.) (Richmond, Va.)
Parr (I. M.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Paton & Butcher
Peck (J. & I. G.) (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Perkins (Wm.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Phillips (Samuel) & Son (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Prattville Manufacturing Co. (Prattville, Ala.)
Purdy & Bailey (New York, N.Y.)
Ramsay (R. T.) & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Redwood, Cocke & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Riggs & Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Rollow (John J.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Rollow & Eastham (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Ross (Wm. H.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Roust (John) & Bro. (Greensboro, Ala.)
Sayre (W.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Schroeder (H. A.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Scott & Herndon (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Scottsville Manufacturing Co.
Sellman & Crook (Baltimore, Md.)
Shinn (Stephen) & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Sinclair (Robert, Jr.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Sinclair & Moore (Baltimore, Md.)
Smith & Mason (King George Court House, Va.)
Soutter (Robert) & Son (Norfolk, Va.)
Soutter, Symington & Robinson (New York, N.Y.)
Spofford, Tileston & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Stollenwerck (F. E.) & Bros. (Mobile, Ala.)
Stollenwerck (H. A. & A. G.) (Selma, Ala.)
Stollenwerck (H. A.) & Brothers (Selma, Ala.)
Street & Ferguson (Mobile, Ala.)
Sumwalt & Green (Baltimore, Md.)
Sutton & Mitchell
Tarleton, Ledyard & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Thorburn & Smith (Norfolk, Va.)
Tucker & Thompson (Washington, D.C.)
Turnbull & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Tuscaloosa Manfg. Co. (Tuscaloosa, Ala.)
Virginia Tract Society (Richmond, Va.)
Voss, Bell & Knox (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Washington & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Watkins, Dungan & Waesche (Baltimore, Md.)
Watson (Charles C.) & Sons (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Watson (John W.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Wellford (J. S. & C. C.), Fredericksburg, Va.
Wellford, Eastham & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
White & Green (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Whitelock (W.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Wiley & Knox (Selma, Ala.)
Willard (E. D. & H. A.) (Washington, D.C.)
Willard (J. C. & H. A.) (Washington, D.C.)
Williams (J. J.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Williams & Guion (New York, N.Y.)
Williamson, Burroughs & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Winston (John A.) & Co. (Mobile, Ala.)
Witmer (G. R.) & Bro. (Alexandria, Va.)
Womble & Wilson (Richmond, Va.)
Wood (R.), Marsh & Hayward (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Wood & Levering (Baltimore, Md.)
Wood, Bacon & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Wood, Johnston & Burritt (New York, N.Y.)
Wood, Marsh & Hayward (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Last updated: July 26, 2005