Wise Family, Sestion 51
Wise Family Papers, 1840-1967. Section 51.
Correspondence, 1886-1967, of Henry Alexander Wise
Call Number Mss1 W7547 a 6,703-15,040
Index to Correspondents and Selected Subjects
Abbitt, Watkins Moorman, b. 1908
Abbott, Dorothy W.
Acker, Charles L.
Ackerly, Dana T., d. 1952
Adams, Henry C.
Adams, James B.
Adams, Joseph H., d. 1924
Adkins, Harry G.
Agnew, George B., d. 1941
Ahalt, Clarence R., b. 1888
Ahbe, Eleanor T., Mrs.
Algeria – Description and travel SEE Mills, Eva Douglas (Wise)
Allen, Arthur N.
Allen, Francis B., d. 1952
Almond, James Lindsay, b. 1898
Ames, Frances (Fletcher)
Ames, Susie May, 1888-1969
Anderson, Betty, Mrs.
Anderson, Charles W.
Anderson, John M.
Anderson, Joseph Reid, 1851-1930
Anderson, Stewart Wise, b. 1889
Andrews, M. P.
Answell, Samuel Tilden, 1875-1954
Apell, Monte, 1887-1970
Armistead, Julia Amelia Champion, b. 1875
Armstrong, David W.
Arnold, Elting, b. 1912
Arnold, F. W.
Arthur, George H.
Ash, Frank Clark, b. 1888 SEE ALSO Wise, Henry Alexander, 1906-1982
Ashburn, A. W.
Astor, Nancy Witcher Langhorne Aster, Viscountess, 1879-1964 SEE Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth)
Atkins, John P., b. 1868
Atkinson, Robert Benson
Austin, Bernard Lige, b. 1902
Ayres, Blackstone Drummond, 1896-1984
Ayres, Nelly (Bird)
Backus, Grosvenor Hyde, b. 1874
Bacon, Charles William, 1856-1938
Bacon, Edward Alstead, 1897-1968
Baker, Charles William, 1862-1938
Balclutha (Clarke County, Va.) SEE Thomson, Genevieve Clark
Baldwin, Ernest E., d. 1949
Baldwin Stephen C., d. 1923
Ball, Mary Eddy
Ball, William S., b. 1835
Ballentine, Frances R. (Booth), b. 1874?
Ballentine, James Arthur
Barham, R. D. SEE ALSO Wise, Henry Alexander, 1906-1982
Barlow, Alex W. L.
Barnes, Edward
Barnes, William, 1866-1930
Barney, Evelyn Byrd Douglas (Wise), 1879-1962
Barney, Evelyn Byrd Douglas (Wise) – Marriage SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Barney, James Perrine, 1875-1966 SEE ALSO Leopold H. Litterst
Barney, James Perrine, 1875-1966 – Marriage SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Barney, James Perrine, b. 1901
Barney, Phyllis W. (Adams)
Barrett, Joseph Eagle, b. 1890
Basinger, Walter Garnett, b. 1876
Baskerville, Charles, 1870-1922
Battie, William Whittingham
Battle, Alice Hobson (Haynes), b. 1911
Battle, George Gordon, 1868-1949
Beach, Morgan Hawley, 1861-1938
Beatty, Harold D., d. 1957 SEE ALSO Wise, Byrd Douglas
Beaumont, Hurst
Becker, Niles R.
Behar, N.
Behm, Charles L.
Beiderhase, G. B.
Belgium – Description and travel SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Bell, Francis, 1865-1939
Bennett, David C., d. 1956
Bennett, James
Bennett, William M., b. 1869
Berengaria (Ship) SEE Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth)
Berkeley, Charles Carter, 1873-1949
Bernard, Otto Tremont, 1854-1929
Berrick, Ethel Jones
Betts, Charles Henry, 1863-1929
Betts, George Whitefield, 1871-1959
Beveridge, J. A.
Bien, Franklin, 1853-1924
Bigelow, Ernest A., d. 1945
Biggs, John, 1895-1979
Bijur, Nathan, 1862-1930
Biscoe, Harry Earl, d. 1913
Blackiston, Henry C., d. 1951
Blackmore, C. W.
Blair, S. Edward
Blake, Michael H.
Blanchard, Virginia
Blaney, Charles P.
Bloxom, Perry W.
Boggs, William J.
Bonniville, Hubert F.
Booker, Hunter Russell, 1858-1929
Booth, Condé R. (Bridger), 1881?-1969
Booth, Edith (Thomson), b. 1882
Booth, Edwin Gilliam, 1878-1964
Booth, Hilda (Millet)
Booth, John Thomson, 1880?-1954
Booth, William Harris, b. 1885 SEE ALSO Wise, Jennings Cropper
Borden, Spencer, 1849-1921
Boskowitz, Adolph
Bovee, Christian N.
Bowen, Harold Gardiner, 1883-1963
Bowen, William Storrs, b. 1878
Boyle, E. Mortimer
Boyle, John
Boynton, Charles Albert, b. 1867
Brackett, Edgar Truman, d. 1924
Bragg, William G.
Braun, Marcus, d. 1921
Breed, William Constable, 1871-1951
Brewer, Basil, b. 1884
Brewer, Samuel P.
Brice, Wilson Bird, 1863-1947
Bristol, George Walter, 1868-1939
Brookfield, Frank, d. 1940
Brooks, Frederick W.
Brooks, Gardiner Tyler, b. 1894
Brown, Everit
Brown, Francis Shunk, 1858-1940
Brown, Fred
Brown, George Woodford, b. 1868 SEE ALSO Cumming, Hugh Smith
Brown, Henrietta C. W., Mrs.
Brown, Lincoln Doty
Browne, Louise Ingham (Adams)
Browning, George Landon, 1867-1947
Browning, Willis
Brunsman, Howard G.
Bryan, John Stewart, 1871-1944
Buck, Gordon Mountjoy, 1875-1970
Bucktrout, H. N.
Buell, Robert Lewis, 1898-1966
Bühler, Joseph S.
Bull, Carroll Russell
Bull, S. R.
Bullock, Harry A., d. 1919
Bunker, [?]
Burnap, Robert Lord, 1872-1949
Burnett, Henry Lawrence, 1838-1916
Burpee, Edith Hamilton (Wise), b. 1926
Burpee, George Alexander
Burroughs, Charles Franklin
Burroughs, Charles Franklin, 1871-1960
Butzel, Leo Martin, 1874-1961
Buxton, Samuel Roland, 1874-1951
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966 SEE ALSO Thompson, Henry Swift
Byrd, Harry Flood, b. 1914
Byrne, James, 1857-1942
Byrne, T. Aubrey
Byrne, William Michael
Byrnes, Carroll
Byrnes, Janet, Mrs.
Cabell, Julian Mayo, 1860-1945
Cadwalader, John Lambert, 1837-1914
Cady, Constance Mary (Harrison), b. 1849 SEE ALSO Wise, John Sergeant (1876-1951)
Caine, A. C.
Camp Lee (Prince George County, Va.) SEE Hooks, Ira J.; Magruder, Calvert
Campbell, John Hammond, d. 1921
Campbell, M. S.
Campbell, William Peyton, b. 1896
Capers, John G., 1866-1919
Carey, George H.
Carmine, Linda
Carmine, Mildred C.
Carmine, Nellie, Mrs.
Carmine, Vernon
Carpenter, Philip, d. 1919
Carson, Adam Clarke, 1869-1941
Carson, William Edward, 1871-1942
Carter, Spencer Leslie, 1873-1950
Carter, William Harding, 1852-1925
Carter’s Grove (James City County, Va.) SEE Harwood, A. G.; Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth); Wise, Jennings Cropper (1881-1968); Henley & Henley (Williamsburg, Va.)
Cary, Hundson, 1872-1952
Caskie, Marion Maxwell, 1890-1966
Cassot, Arthur
Cemeteries – Accomack County, Va.) SEE Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
Chamberlin Hotel (Old Point Comfort, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Waddill, Edmund; Wise, John Sergeant (1876-1951)
Chambers, George J.
Chatfield, Thomas Ives, 1871-1922
Chesconnessex (Accomack County, Va.) SEE Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
Chichester, Cassius Moncure, 1882-1950
Chilvers, William
China – Description and travel SEE Connell, Thomas Walter
Chittenden, Alice Hill, d. 1945
Christenberry, Robert Keaton, b. 1899
Christian, Langdon Taylor, 1853-1935
Church, William Conant, 1836-1917
City Hall (Richmond, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Frischkorn, John H. (1849?-1920)
Clark, John Cheesman, 1863-1946
Clarke, Robert H.
Claughem, Rodolphe
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 SEE McElroy, Robert McNutt
Clews, Henrietta (Booth) Thompson), b. 1942
Cluesman, Allene
Coates, [?]
Cochrane, Frank, d. 1916
Cocke, Philip St. George, 1873-1956
Cocke, William Horner, 1874-1938
Coffey, Jay
Cohen, Abraham C.
Cohen, Julius Henry, 1873-1950
Cohn, Albert Daniel, d. 1926
Cokesbury (Onancock, Va.) SEE Brown, C. W.
Cole, Frank
Coleburn, Ruth P.
Coleman, Beverly Mosby
Coleman, George Preston, 1870-1948
Coleman, John Caldwell, d. 1917
Collins, J. H.
Colonna, Benjamin Allison
Colonna, William Briggs, 1876-1948
Colton, Henry E., d. 1942
Colvin, Grattan
Comwell, William Nelson, 1854-1948
Cone, John Carroll, b. 1893
Connell, Thomas Walter, 1872?-1901
Conner, E. L.
Cook, Huestis Pratt, 1868-1951
Cooke, Randolph Bolling
Cooper, Clyde Warren, b. 1893
Cooper, William M.
Cootes, Harry Newton, 1874-1938
Corbin, A.
Corson, Anne M.
Cosby, Yvonne (Shepard)
Costello, Mary
Cotes, C. R.
Cowley, C. O’C.
Coxe, Alfred Conkling, b. 1846
Coxe, H. C.
Coykendall, Louis T., d. 1945
Crawford, Thomas, 1813-1857 SEE Cook, Huestis Pratt
Crenshaw, Parker
Crombie, William A.
Cropperville (Accomack County, Va.) SEE Smith, Margaret, Mrs.
Crusins, Emil
Cuba – Politics and government SEE Gould, William J.
Cumming, Hugh Smith, 1869-1948
Cumming, Hugh Smith, b. 1900
Cumming, Lucy Almira (Booth), 1871-1960
Cumming, Milfred Burney (West), d. 1978
Cumming, Samuel Gordon, 1872-1920
Cummings, J. C.
Curtiss, George Boughton, b. 1852
Cushman, Drew
Dabney, Virginius, b. 1901
Dalton, Ted, b. 1901
Dance, Willis Jefferson, b. 1886
Darby, T. A.
Darden, Colgate Whitehead, 1897-1981
Darling, Henry E.
Davenport, James LeRoy, 1845-1914 SEE ALSO Throckmorton, Howard W.
Davies, John Richard, b. 1879
Davis, Beverly Andrew
Davis, Curtis Carroll, b. 1916
Davis, Gherardi, 1858-1941
Davis, Katherine, Mrs.
Davis, Levin Franklin, b. 1925
Davis, Russell Lewis, b. 1903
Dawes, Hamilton M., d. 1940
Deasy, Jeremiah
Debevoise, Thomas McElrath, 1874-1958
Decker, Martin Snyder, 1858-1928
Deiches, Margaret G.
Denison, Winfred Thaxter, 1873-1919
Denmark – Description and travel SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Dennis, Holmes Van M.
Denoon, Harry Lee, b. 1901
Derby, Landon Basset, b. 1904
Deringer, Bronaugh W.
Despard, Douglas C., d. 1954
Dew, James Harvie, 1843-1914
Dewey, Charles Schuveldt, b. 1880
Dickinson, [?] SEE ALSO Wescott, George J.
Dickinson, W. W.
Dickinson, William Andrew SEE ALSO Lusk, Pat
Dickson, John T.
Dies, Elmer
Dillard, George Mason
Dillon, John Forrest, 1831-1914
Dinsmore, Raymond M.
Dixon, Marguerite G.
Dodge, Charles Nelson
Dogs – Training SEE Allen, Arthur N.
Doles, John R.
Dooling, John T., d. 1949
Dorr, Goldthwaite Higginson, b. 1876
Dorr, Virginia (Elbert)
Douglas family SEE Lee, Anne Booth (THompson)
Douglas, William Harris, 1853-1944
Douglas-Boswell, John, b. 1867
Douglas-Boswell, John Patrick, b. 1910
Douglas-Boswell, Margaret Christian, b. 1865
Douglass, Helen R.
Dovel, I. Randolph
Dovell, Grover Ashton, 1885-1949
Dowd, Willis Bruce
Dowdey, Clifford, 1904-1979
Dowdy, Clifford. The land they fought for SEE Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
Downes, Eber Vern, b. 1870
Downey, John P.
Downing, Richard A.
Downing, Thomas Nelms, b. 1919
Dozier, Curtis Merry, 1883-1964
Druid Hill (Warren County, Va.) SEE Browne, Louise Ingham (Adams)
Drummonds Mill (Accomack County, Va.) SEE Upshur, John Andrews
Dudley, Joseph Grassie, b. 1869
Dunlop, T. Charles
Dunn, Julia A.
Dunn, T. Martin
Dunton, H. C.
Durand, John S.
Durbin, Virginia O.
Duryea, Franklin P.
Dushkind, Charles, d. 1945
Dutch Gap (Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Cook, Huestis Pratt
Dutcher, Vera N.
Eaker, Ira C., b. 1922
Eastland, James Oliver, b. 1904
Easton, W. J.
Edgar Allan Poe Shrine (Richmond, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Cook Huestis Pratt
Edgar, C. G.
Edgecomb, F. E.
Eidman, Ferdinand, d. 1910
Elder, John Clifton, b. 1875
Eldredge, E. O.
Eling, Verne
Eliot, John
Elliot, Georgie SEE Huff, Wells
Ellison, William Bruce, 1857-1924
Elliston, Herbert Berridge, 1895-1957
Elsberg, Nathaniel A.
Ely, Anna Morris (Anderson), d. 1923
Emory, William Hemsley, 1811-1887
England – Description and travel SEE Shelby, Evan; Wise, Henry Alexander (b. 1910); Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth); Wise, John Sergeant (1876-1951); Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
English, Joseph B. SEE ALSO Stewart, W. R.
Epes, Allan, b. 1879
Ernst, Irving L., d. 1938
Etter, Georgia M., Mrs.
Eubank, Thomas H.
Everard, H. H.
Everhart, Eva Douglas (Wise), b. 1944
Fairman, John
Fallon, Andrew J.
Fallows, Edward Huntington, 1865-1940
Farmer, Frances, b. 1909
Fearhake, John D., b. 1869
Fearons, George Hadsall, 1851-1930
Fernsler, J. P.
Ferris, Albert Warren, 1856-1937
Ferry, John A., 1871-1941
Fielder, George L.
Finch, Edward Ridley, 1873-1965
First National Bank of Onancock (Onancock, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Joynes, George Goodwyn
Fishburn, Junius Blair, 1865-1955
Fisher, Benjamin Thomas, b. 1879
Fishing SEE G. T. Elliott, Inc. (Hampton, Va.)
Fishing SEE Sterling Brothers Company, Inc. (Cape Charles, Va.)
Fitchett, Hillary G., 1879-1939
Flannagan, Dallas S., d. 1949
Fleming, John J.
Fletcher, Virginia R.
Flynn, Alfred F.
Ford, O. J.
Fosque, Mary Nottingham (Fitchett)
Foster, E. Howard
Foster, Macomb G., d. 1938
Foster, Roger, 1857-1924
Fox, Austen George, 1849-1937
France – Description and travel SEE Wise, Henry Alexander (b. 1910); Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth); Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
France – History – World War, 1914-1918 SEE Zengerle, George J.
Francis, George Blinn, b. 1883
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965 SEE ALSO Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth)
Frazer, E. C.
Freeman, James B.
Freund, John A.
Friendly, Alfred
Frischkorn, John H., 1848-1920
Frischkorn, John H., 1879?-1959
Frost, Orin C.
Frye, Arnold
Frye, Arnold SEE Wingate, George Wood
Fugate, Henly Mitchell
Furey, William E.
Gaines, Grenville, 1854-1922
Galt, Mary Meares, 1885-1978
Garretson, William Van P.
Gass, Charles J., d. 1951
Gaston, Zell
Gates, Merrill E.
Geddy, Thomas Henley, 1892-1944
Geist, Henry F.
General Slocum (Steamship) SEE Smith, Henry Knox
Gennert, Henry G., b. 1873
Gentry, R. A.
Gerhard, Albert P., d. 1963
Gerhard, Arthur Howell, d. 1949
Germany – Description and travel SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Gifford, James Meacham, 1856-1938
Gilbert, Abraham S., 1873-1946
Gill, Allen E.
Gillespie, D. R.
Gilliam, James Richard, 1891-1979
Gleason, A. H.
Glen Air (Chesapeake, Va.) SEE Thomas Harry S.
Goepfert, William
Goidel, Harry A.
Goldburg, William
Goldsmith, Charles
Goldsmith, [?]
Goldthwaite, [?]
Goldwater, Barry Morris, b. 1909 SEE Dunn, T. Martin
Goodrich, Henry W.
Gordine, F. G.
Gordon, Gordon, b. 1874
Gould, John Ludlow, b. 1914
Gould, William J.
Gouldthorpe, Samuel F.
Governor’s Palace (Williamsburg, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Barney, Evelyn Byrd Douglas (Wise)
Graham, Philip L., 1915-1963
Grant, David C.
Graves, J. Harwood
Greece – Description and travel SEE Pegram, John Cargill
Greenbrier (Norfolk, Va.) SEE Thrasher, A. Roscoe
Greene, Richard Thurston, 1867-1949
Greenwood, Victor Lynch
Griffin, Michael, d. 1965
Griffin, Nelson F., d. 1950
Griffith, Walter R.
Griscom, Lloyd Carpenter, 1872-1959
Groner, Marion Edwards (Shouse)
Gross, John Warren, b. 1915
Gross, Samuel L.
Grosvenor, Edwin Prescott, 1875-1930
Gruber, Abraham, d. 1915
Gwathmey, George Tayloe, d. 1928
Hadley, Arthur Twining, 1856-1930
Hagan, Joseph Addison, 1895-1978
Hagan, Marie (Ridley)
Hall, Leonard Wood, b. 1900
Hall, Raymond Williams, b. 1891 SEE ALSO McCain, Henry Pinckney
Hall, Sara Bellamy
Hallett, Iris, Mrs.
Hallett, Wade W., 1864-1933
Hallett, William
Halsey, John W.
Hamilton (Ship) SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Hamilton, Franklin Elmer Ellsworth, 1866-1918
Hamilton, Howard L.
Hammond, John Henry, 1871-1949
Hammond, Orlando D.
Hancock, Arthur S.
Hancock, Vera
Hancock, William H.
Hand, Frances
Hanger, George DeLancey, b. 1907
Hank, Josiah Dickinson, 1875-1924
Hansan, Clement
Hanson, Charles P.
Hardin, Thomas B.
Hare, J. Montgomery, b. 1870
Hargrove, Erwin R.
Harlan, G. W.
Harman, King E. SEE ALSO Lamb, Chester H.
Harper, Donald, 1868-1954
Harrell, Adele V., Mrs.
Harrell, Linwood Parker, 1908-1970
Harrigan, Frank A., d. 1939
Harrington, John Maddison, d. 1925
Harrison, Bernard Johnston, 1875-1941
Harrison, R. A.
Harrison, Ralph, 1866-1933
Hart, Houston SEE Morgan, Hugh
Harte, Houston, 1893-1972
Hartnett, Daniel
Harwood, A. G.
Hasbrook, Charles Phillips, 1884-1975
Hash, J. S., b. 1876
Haskell, William S., d. 1941
Hastings, Arthur C., d. 1958
Hatch, Edward Wingate, 1852-1924
Havey, M. S.
Hawke, Edward H.
Hawley, Suzanne Marcy (Wise), b. 1943
Hay, Eugene Gano, 1853-1933
Hayden, Henry Whiting, 1853-1925
Hayes, George B., b. 1876
Haynes, Alice Hobson
Hays, Byrd Douglas (Wise), b. 1920
Hays, Lucy Lambert, b. 1955
Hays, Richard Douglas, b. 1852
Hays, Samuel Lambert
Hazel, John Raymond, 1860-1951
Healey, Warren M.
Hearne, H. Roland
Heath, James Elliott, 1871-1941
Hecht, William C.
Hedley, Frank, 1864-1955
Heffner, Mary Alice
Heilner, George C.
Henderson, E. B.
Henderson, Henry C.
Henderson, Horace Edward, b. 1917
Henkel, William
Henley, Norvell Lightfoot, 1869-1923
Henley, Thomas B.
Henry, [?]
Henry, John J.
Henry, Lewis, 1885-1941
Herndon, E. B., Mrs.
Herold, Hennan C. H.
Hess, Stella K.
Hickman, Milton Thomas, b. 1909
Higgins, Frederick A., d. 1957
Hill, Ellen (Mayo)
Hill, T. N.
Hilliker, Benjamin M.
Hills Farm (Accomack County, Va.) SEE Richardson, Fredonia (Rowland)
Hilton, Frank L.
Hines, Walker Downer, 1870-1934
Hinman, George W.
Hitchcock, Frank Harris, 1869-1935
Hitchcock, Samuel M., d. 1939
Hitchcock, William P.
Hitchens, A. W.
Hobbs, F. G.
Hobson, Anne Jennings (Wise), 1837-1914
Hobson, Katherine Sophia (Thayer) Jermain, 1859-1915
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 1870-1937
Hochfelder, Abraham
Hodson, Thomas Sherwood, b. 1837
Hogg, Granville F.
Hoggett, C. R.
Holland, Ralph H.
Hollingsworth, John E.
Holly Brook (Northampton County, Va.) SEE Mears, Nannie Wharton (Ames)
Holly Hill (Albemarle County, Va.) SEE Wise, Edward Tayloe; Wise, Elizabeth Ridgely (Thomson)
Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond, Va.) SEE Mason, Robert H.; Street, Walter Scott; Wise, Caroline Hazlehurst (Cohen) Wise
Holmes, Walter G.
Holt, Harry Howard, 1873-1953
Holt, Harry Howard, b. 1904
Honigman, J. Leo
Hooker, Thomas Benjamin
Hookes, Ira J.
Hopping, Walter B., d. 1942
Horse racing SEE Almond, James Lindsay
Hot, Harry Howard SEE Smith, George O.
Hotaling, George P., d. 1938
Hotchkiss, Elmore Delos, 1850-1938
Hotchkiss, George Burton, 1884-1953
Hotels – Accomac, Va. SEE Hyde, Norma, Mrs.
Hotels – Cape Charles, Va. SEE Bonniville, Hubert F.
Houghton, Albert F., d. 1937
Houston, Herbert Sherman, 1866-1955
Howard, Frederick T.
Howard, Gladys DeC., Mrs.
Howard, Robert F.
Howes, William F., d. 1939
Howson, John Harold, d. 1940
Hoxton, Archibald Robinson, 1875-1951
Hubbard, E. D.
Hudson, William H.
Huff, Wells SEE ALSO Smith, Harold Vincent
Hughes, Floyd, b. 1861
Hughes, John
Hughes, Joseph D., b. 1910
Hughes, Robert Morton, 1855-1940
Huguley, William T.
Humphrey, J. Otis, 1850-1918
Hungers Episcopal Church (Northampton County, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Minich, Miriam Ruth (Weisbord)
Hunter, Marie (Doherty), b. 1882
Hunter, Thomas Lomax, 1875-1948 SEE ALSO Hunter, Mari (Doherty)
Hunter, W. M.
Hunton, Mabel R., Mrs.
Hurtt, Joseph T.
Hutcheson, Sterling, 1894-1969
Hutchinson, John
Hyatt, Horatio Eugene, d. 1950
Hyatt, Ralph W., d. 1943
Hyatt, Thomas D., d. 1925
Hyde, Norma, Mrs.
Hyde, Ted.
Iliff, Lucy Booth (Wise), b. 1842
India – Description and travel SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise); Pegram, John Cargill
Ingold, William F., d. 1958
Ingram, Alexander
Inslee, John A.
Israel, Charles Henry, d. 1911
Israel – Description and travel SEE Deiches, Margaret G.
Italy – Description and travel SEE Mills, Eva Douglas (Wise); Pegram, John Cargill
Jackson, Montgomery Chamberlayne, d. 1940
Jackson, Norris
Jacob, Cary Franklin, b. 1885
Jacob, Herbert Aylwin
James, Rorer Abraham, 1859-1921
Jarman, G. Wallace
Jarman, Patty Hammond, d. 1955
Jenson, Barton Irvin, b. 1886
John, Robert, d. 1938
Johns, Arthur, d. 1936
Johnson, Alice M.
Johnson, Andrew R., d. 1966
Johnson, Charles Chamberlain
Johnson, Elmer L.
Johnson, Virginia, Mrs.
Johnson, Walter
Joline, Adrian Hoffman, 1850-1912
Jones, Edgar
Jones, Edmund Ruffin
Jones, Frank W.
Jones, Granville L., b. 1900?
Jones, Margaret Vincent
Jones, Paul, b. 1854
Joynes, George Goodwyn, b. 1856
Juberg, Hattie
Judd, Benjamin Amos, b. 1870
Kandelaffe, S.
Kear, Paul Winfred, 1886-1965
Keiser, James R., d. 1938
Kellogg, Marion Knight, b. 1904
Kendall, Messmore, 1872-1959
Kendrick, Manville
Kenyon, Robert N., d. 1939
Ker Place (Onancock, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Ames, Susie May
Kerns, Penelope Key (Wise), b. 1943
Kerr, John Brown, 1851-1939
Kerr Place (Accomack County, Va.) SEE McMath, George Nottingham; Mears, Nannie Wharton (Ames); Nock, Sarah E.
Kesler, Frank H. SEE ALSO Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
Kessinger, Frederick E.
Kilbourne, Charles Evans, 1872-1963 SEE ALSO Fugate, Henly Mitchell
Killam, Frank
Kilmartin, Robert Charles
Kilnor, John H.
Kimball, Thomas Lloyd, b. 1918
King, Arthur M.
King, James Nelson, 1895-1962
Kinsley, Edwin J.
Kinsley, William J.
Kiptopeke (Northampton County, Va.) SEE Bowen, William Storrs; Dickinson, William Andrew; Dorr, Goldthwaite Higginson; Downes, Eber Vern; Eubank, Thomas H.; Fitchett, Hillary G.; Hallett, Wade W.; Malone, William Twilley; Stimson, Henry Lewis; Taylor, Tazewell; Warren, Henry D.
Kisselburgh, William E.
Klapthor, Margaret Brown
Klee, Benjamin
Klein, John A.
Knapp, James R.
Knowlton, Theodore E., d. 1953
Knox, Philander Chase, 1853-1921
Kohn, Sol
Krock, Arthur, 1886-1974
La Dow, R. V.
La Mont, H. Murray.
Lake, Howard C., d. 1943
Lakeside (Henrico County, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Cook, Huestis Pratt
Lamb, Chester H.
Landau, Abraham, d. 1960
Lane, Cornelia Thayer (Baldwin)
Lane, Franklin Knight, 1864-1921
Lang, Ernestine C.
Langhorne, Cary Devall, d. 1949
Langley, James McLellan, 1894-1968
Langley, Lois (Hammond)
Large, G. G. Meade
Laski, Leon, d. 1923
Latimer, James Brandt
Latimer, James H.
Latimer, Lucille
Lauterstein, Leon, d. 1967
Lawler, Oscar, b. 1875
Lawrence, David, 1888-1973
Leaycraft, John Edgar, 1849-1916
Leddy, William A.
Leddy, William M.
Lee, Anne Booth (Thompson), b. 1939 SEE ALSO Thompson, Henrietta Edwina Booth (Wise)
Lee, Joseph Bracken, b. 1899
Lehmann, Frederick William, 1853-1931
Leishman, John G. A., 1857-1924
Leo, Leopold
Leonard, Jane, Mrs.
Lerner, Mortimer M.
Levenson, Joseph
Leventritt, Edgar M., d. 1939
Levine, Philip
Levy, Arthur S.
Levy, Felix Holt, 1869-1953
Levy, Hugo, d. 1940
Lewis, Jaenie, Mrs.
Lewis, John Redman Coxe, 1834-1898
Lewis, Minor
Lewis, Robert Edward Lee, 1869-1946
Lexow, Charles K., d. 1928
Lichtenberger, James Pendleton, 1870-1953
Lindgren, Norman
Lindsay, John Douglas, 1865-1932
Linvill, Walker E.
Lippitt, Henry Frederick, 1856-1933
Lipscomb, Luke
Litterst, Leopold H.
Livesay, Arch D.
Livingston, Robert E.
Lloyd, David Frank, d. 1911
Locke, Bessie, d. 1952
Lockman, Frederic I.
Loeb, William, 1866-1937
Logan, George A.
Loughman, Edward D., d. 1957
Lovejoy, Owen Reed, 1866-1961
Loving, Raymond F.
Lovis, Henry C., d. 1943
Low, Seth, 1850-1916
Low, Walter Carroll
Lowman, Richard C.
Luray Inn (Luray, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Lusk, Pat
Lust, A.
Lustig, Maxwell, d. 1955
Lyon, Edmond R.
Lyons, Mary Maben, 1860-1936
Mabon, James B., d. 1941
MacBold, Alice
Machold, Alice (Coonley)
Machold, Henry Edmund, 1880-1967
Mack, Harry W., d. 1938 SEE ALSO Griscom, Lloyd Carpenter
Mack, Julian Williams, 1866-1943
MacKenzie, Charles S., d. 1943
Mackey, J. H.
MacKinnon, Frank Douglas, 1871-1946
MacNeille, John R.
MacVeagh, Franklin, d. 1934
Maddox, Billie Kyle, Mrs.
Maddox, Leone B., Mrs.
Madigan, James C., d. 1943
Magnuson, Paul Budd, 1884-1986
Magruder, Calvert, 1893-1968
Mahon, William J., d. 1960
Mahoney, Walter J.
Malone, William Twilley
Mann, Bernard Davidson
Manry, Lucius L., b. 1846
Mapp, Brooks SEE Taylor, Tazewell
Mapp, C. M.
Mapp, J. Brooks, 1887-1969
Mar, J.
Marble, John Hobart, 1869-1913
Marble, W. E.
Marks, Marcus M., 1858-1934
Marquis, Harry G.
Marshal, Stuart B.
Marshall, Davis Edward, 1869-1933
Marshall, Frederick L.
Marshall, George Catlett, 1880-1959
Marshall, John, 1881-1966
Marshall, Joseph Paull, b. 1912
Marshall, Richard Coke, 1879-1961
Martin, Alvah Howard, 1858-1918
Martin, Henry A.
Martin, Isaac Jack, 1908-1966
Martin, James Loren, 1846-1915
Mason, A. Jackson
Mason, Robert H., b. 1912
Mason, William Roy, 1848-1921
Massey, Albert Patton
Massie, Robert Withers, 1858-1944
Masters, A. R.
Matthews, M. F.
Maxey, George Wendell, 1878-1950
Maxey, Lillian (Danvers)
May, Richard Arnold, 1896-1969
Mayer, Julius M., 1865-1925
Mayo, John B.
Mayo, Maureen
Mayo, N. W.
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 1863-1942
McAlister, Hugh
McAuliffe, Maurice J.
McCain, Henry Pinckney, 1861-1941
McCaleb, H.
McCarthy, William Henry, b. 1877
McClure, David W.
McCook, Philip James, 1873-1963
McCorkle, Walter Lisle, 1854-1932
McCormack, Ira A.
McCormick, A. I.
McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946
McCrea, Henry B.
McDuffee, E. B.
McElheny, Victor K.
McElroy, Robert McNutt, 1872-1959
McEwen, T.
McGarrah, Gates W., 1863-1940
McGavock, Polly (Pollitt), b. 1904
McGrath, P. S.
McGuigan, J. Lloyd
McHarg, Henry K.
McIlvaine, Tompkins, 1869-1953
McKeever, Arthur G., d. 1949
McKillop, Michael J.
McLean, Laura M.
McLean, Mary Morford
McMahon, Joseph P.
McManus, Terence Joseph, 1871-1950
McMath, George Nottingham, b. 1832
McMath, Sophie T.
McNamara, Stuart, d. 1946
McNeill, Warren Albert, b. 1903
McReynolds, James Clark, 1862-1946
McRoberts, Samuel, d. 1947
McVey, P. Tower
McWane, Frederick William, 1889-1959
McWane, Frederick William, b. 1914
McWane, Frederick William III
McWane, Ida (Lynham), d. 1964
McWilliam, Edgar G.
Mead, Henrietta Wise (Mills), b. 1938
Mears, James Egbert, 1844-1975
Mears, Nannie Wharton (Ames)
Mears, Otho Frederick, 1862-1932
Meem, James Cowan, d. 1936
Menefee, Marvin James, b. 1894
Mentally ill – Care SEE Barrett, Joseph Eagle; Berrick, Ethel Jones; Brown, George Woodford
Merchant, Robert C. SEE ALSO Wise, Henry Alexander, 1906-1982
Merrill, William Willis, d. 1921
Merriman, Charles Henry
Merriman, Charles Henry, Mrs.
Merz, Charles, b. 1983
Metcalf, W. S.
Mexico – Description and travel SEE Pegram, John Cargill
Meyer, Eugene, 1875-1959
Meyer, Louis M.
Meyer, Walter E., d. 1957
Middlebrook, Frederic J.
Middlebrook, Joseph Weed
Miller, Carolyn, Mrs.
Miller, Frank
Miller, J. Ray
Miller, W. B.
Mills, Alfred Slade, b. 1935
Mills, Edward Kirkpatrick, b. 1934
Mills, Eva Douglas (Wise), b. 1908
Mills, Evelyn Gay, b. 1956
Mills, Gay (Ramsdell)
Mills, Laura Slade, b. 1957
Mills, Phyllis (Jackson)
Milton, William Hammond, b. 1900
Miner, Karl Roswell, 1870-1947
Minich, Miriam Ruth (Weisbord)
Mitchell, M. J.
Mitchell, MacNeil
Monongahela (Ship) SEE Langhorne, Cary Devall
Montague, Gilbert Holland, 1880-1961
Montague, Virginia, Mrs.
Monticello Hotel (Charlottesville, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Moody, William Henry, 1853-1917
Moon, Bernard E.
Moore, Charles Forrest, b. 1863
Moore, Charles Lee, 1862-1931
Moore, Charles Lloyd, 1875-1943 SEE ALSO Shipe, Archie K.
Moore, Frederick
Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise), 1884-1972
Moore, Phyllis W.
Moore, William Cabell, b. 1884
Moot, Adelbert, 1854-1929
Morecock, Elizabeth Adams, 1874-1954
Morgan, Edward M., 1855-1925
Morgan, Hugh
Morris, R. O.
Morris, Robert Clark, 1869-1938
Morrissett, Carlisle Havelock, 1892-1976
Morton, Charles Bruce, b. 1900
Morton, Theodore Feild
Moses, Lawrence Henry, d. 1949 SEE ALSO Taft, Henry Waters
Moulton, R. W.
Mount Vernon (Fairfax County, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Coates, C. R.
Mulholland, Elizabeth Caldwell (Brown)
Mulholland, Henry Bearden, 1892-1966
Mullen, Geneve
Munger, Martha Perrine (Barney), b. 1882
Murphy, Franklin, 1846-1920
Murphy, Grace
Murphy, James W.
Murphy, John W.
Murphy, Mike
Murphy, Thomas F.
Murray, Bessie
Murray, Hoke
Murray, Lawrence O., 1864-1926
Myers, Frank H.
Natural Bridge (Va.) – Pictorial Works SEE Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth)
Naval Hosptial (Philadelphia, Pa.) SEE Langhorne, Cary Devall
Nelms, William Jackson, 1862-1937
Netherlands – Description and travel SEE Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Newman, A. L.
Newspapers – Eastville (Va.) SEE Fisher, Benjamin Thomas
Newspapers – Norfolk, Va. SEE Mason, Robert H.
Newspapers – Richmond (Va.) SEE Dabney, Virginius; Hasbrook, Charles Phillips
Newspapers – Washington, D.C. SEE Elliston, Herbert Berridge
Nichols, Edward West, 1858-1927
Nicoll, DeLancey, 1854-1931
Nields, John P., 1868-1943
Nims, Harry Dwight, 1875-1968
Noble, Herbert, 1874-1972
Nock, Cora Byrd (Ames)
Nock, Sarah E.
Nordlinger, A. E.
Norman, Frank E. SEE ALSO Ballentine, James Arthur
Nottingham, Sterling, 1875-1923
Noyes, Henry T.
O’Bannon, Sidney M.
O’Bazze, Nils
O’Brien, John P., 1873-1951
O’Connor, John Jay
O’Connor, M.
O’Conor, John Christopher
O’Donahoe, Elizabeth Lydecker (Graham)
O’Hare, Patrick J., d. 1939
Oak Rise (Lynchburg, Va.) SEE Watson, William
Oakes, Jane, Mrs.
Olcott, Charles M.
Olcott, Jacob Van Vechten, 1856-1940
Olcott, William Morrow Knox, 1862-1933
Oldham, Margaret
Oliver, Robert Shaw, 1847-1935
Olmsted, Marlin Edgar, d. 1913 SEE ALSO McCormick, Vance Criswel
Ommen, Alfred Emil, 1870-1932
Onley, Warren
Oppenheimer, Jack
Oppenhimer, Sarah Sergeant (Mayo), 1870-1947
Ordway, Samuel Hanson, 1860-1934
Orton, A. B.
Osborn, William Church, 1862-1951
Ottinger, Nathan, d. 1940
Overton, F. L.
Oyster industry SEE Dies, Elmer
Pagan, Oliver Elwood, 1858-1932
Page, J. Seaver, d. 1920
Page, William Tyler, 1868-1942
Paine, Francis Sidney, d. 1927
Painter, Thomas A.
Palache, Eunice
Palache, John
Palliser, Melvin G., 1873-1940
Palmer, Appleton D., d. 1916
Palmer, E. W.
Palmer, G. B.
Palmer, Williston, Birkimer, 1899-1973
Palmore, Condé (Booth), b. 1918
Parker, Alton Brooks, 1852-1926
Parker, Cola Godden, 1890-1962
Parker, John Crafford, 1862-1918
Parker, Junius, 1867-1944
Parker, Martha (Fraser)
Parker, Sarah
Parker, Sumner
Parks, Richard L., b. 1915?
Parsons, George Francis
Parsons, Herbert, 1869-1925
Parsons, Theophilus Xenophon, 1896-1943
Paternoster, Elsie (Hartung) SEE ALSO Snell, Laura V.
Paternoster, Eric
Patterson, Eleanora (Willing)
Patterson, George Stuart, b. 1868
Patton, Claude Herbert SEE ALSO Wise, Henry Alexander (1906-1982)
Patty, Kenneth Cartright, 1891-1967
Paul, John, 1883-1964
Paulding, Charles Cook, 1868-1938
Paull, Joseph
Peachy, Bathurst Daingerfield, 1893-1953
Peachy, Thomas
Pearson, Henry Clyde, b. 1924
Pegram, John Cargill, 1881-1972
Pendleton, Hunter, d. 1940
Pennebaker, Katharine B.
Perin, Nelson E.
Perry, Sidney Rawson, 1873-1929
Person, C. J.
Pettit, James Sumner, 1856-1906
Peyton, Lawrence Washington Howe, 1872-1949
Philippines – Description and travel SEE Cootes, Harry Newton; Wise, Hugh Douglas (1871-1942)
Phillips, Douglas Wise, b. 1916
Phillips, Janie H., Mrs., b. 1873?
Phillips, Reuben Triplett
Phillips, Richard
Phillips, Richard, b. 1845?
Phillips, Sinclair, b. 1901 SEE Phillips, Richard (b. 1845?)
Phillips, Virginia
Phlegar, Jane (Royall)
Pilcher, Edwin Mason, 1866-1913
Platt, James Perry, 1851-1913
Platzek, Marx Warley, 1854-1932
Pleasants, W. H.
Poage, Richard C. SEE ALSO McWane, Frederick William (1889-1959)
Podtiaguine, Olga
Poetry SEE Boggs, William J.; Hudson, William H.; Hunter, Thomas Lomax; Stewart, George E.
Point Lookout (Md.) SEE Smith, T. Delap
Postal service – Northampton County, Va. SEE Stewart, Joseph
Potter, Irwin Lee
Powell, Martha
Powell, Morgan A.
Prentice, Ezra Parmelee, 1863-1955
Prentice, Robert Kelly
Presidents – United States – Election – 1964 SEE Dunn, T. Marin
Priddy, Lawrence, 1874-1944
Princeton (N.J.) SEE Barney, James Perrine, 1875-1966
Pringle, F. C.
Pritchard, W. B.
Pruden, Minnie Ogden (Happer)
Pruitt, M.
Pryor, George L.
Purdy, James W.
Quigg, Lemuel Ely, 1863-1919
Rafferty, William Carroll, 1859-1941
Ramsay, Charles H.
Randebrock, C. H.
Ranney, Fletcher, b. 1860
Rathfelder, Charles
Ray, George Washington, 1844-1925
Raymond, Charles H., d. 1916
Real estate investment – Cape Charles, Va. SEE Trolinger, M. F.
Real estate investment – Maryland SEE Freeman, James B.
Real estate investment – Northampton County, Va. SEE Holt, Harry Howard (b. 1904); Wheeler, Merrill Dale; Willcox, Thomas Hamlin; and Whythe & Thompson (Baltimore, Md.)
Rector, Charles E., d. 1914
Redelings, J. H.
Reece, Brazilla Carroll, 1889-1961
Reed, Robert Rentoul, 1876-1945
Reese, W. S.
Reeves, J. Irving
Refugees – Cuba SEE Gould, William J.
Reid, Joseph E.
Reiff, Josiah C.
Rendall, Robert J., d. 1950
Renke, George T.
Reyburn, Samuel Wallace, 1872-1962
Reynders, Charles
Reynolds, Homer C.
Reynolds, James Bronson, 1861-1924
Reynolds, James Burton, 1870-1948
Ribble, Frederick Deane Goodwin, 1898-1970
Richardson, Fredonia (Rowland)
Richberg, Donald Randall, b. 1881
Richberg, Florence W.
Riley, Thomas P.
Rinehart, Rodger Richmond, b. 1901
Rinehart, Torrance (Red)
Riordan, Marie
Ripberger Hotel (Blackstone, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Booth, Edwin Gilliam (1839-1922)
Ritterbusch, Hugo H.
Riverview (Northampton County, Va.) SEE Bull, Carroll Russell
Roanoke Hotel (Roanoke, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Wise, Henry Alexander (b. 1951)
Robb, Charles Henry, 1867-1939
Robbins, Thomas
Robert E. Lee Hotel (Lexington, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Wise, Jennings Cropper (1881-1968)
Roberts, Clifford C.
Roberts, G. T.
Robertson, John William
Robertson, Lula (Price)
Robertson, Norman Alexander, 1904-1968
Robertson, Thoms Brown, b. 1867
Robertson, Virgil Otis, b. 1879
Robertson, Walter Spencer, 1893-1970
Robinson, Daisy M. O., d. 1942
Robinson, Daniel A.
Robinson, James A.
Robinson, James M.
Roderick, George H.
Rodgers, Agnes Platt (Barney)
Roe, Leo Stanton, 1871-1946
Rogers, Charles P.
Rogers, Henry Wade, 1853-1926
Rogers, James L.
Rogers, John A.
Rogers, Richard Reid
Rohrer, Grant, d. 1916
Root, Elihu, 1845-1937
Root, Oren, 1873-1948
Rosa, Cesar SEE Wise, Byrd Douglas
Rosalsky, Otto A., 1873-1936
Rose, Abram J., b. 1854
Rosenstein, Walter J.
Ross, John W.
Ross, Samuel Taylor, 1843-1920
Rothschild, Meyer D., d. 1943
Rowe, Leo S., 1871-1946
Royce, Alexander Burgess, 1894-1968
Royle, Edwin Milton, 1862-1942
Royle, Selena (Fetter)
Rudd, William Platt, 1851-1929
Ruddell, P. A.
Runkel, Louis
Runyon, W. Cleveland, b. 1885
Rushmore, [?]
Russell, David
Russell, William E.
Rust, Harry Lee, b. 1893
Sams, Conway Whittle, d. 1909
Samuels, Len
Sanford, Francis Baird, 1871-1949
Saxe, Martin, 1874-1967
Scarburgh, Robert S., d. 1950
Scheuerman, Henry L.
Schiff, Jacob R., d. 1949
Schilling, Franz von, b. 1900
Schilling, Lavinia Curle (Peek) von, 1879-1956
Schlamm, Nathaniel G., d. 1950
Schloss, Henry W.
Schloss, Joseph
Schwab, Fanny L., Mrs.
Schwab, John A., d. 1962
Scott, D. N.
Scott, Mary Walden (Dillard), b. 1908
Scott, William Embry, d. 1954
Scully, Leonard T.
Seagle, Nathan A., d. 1957
Search, C. V.
Searle, Franklin E., d. 1916
Selby, John N.
Seligsberg, Alfred F.
Sellers, H. Lee
Sexton, William Thaddeus, b. 1901
Shaft, Phyllis Osgood (Wise), b. 1911
Shapiro, Harold P.
Sharp, R. M.
Shaw, Leslie Mortier, 1848-1932
Shea, David H.
Shea, James S.
Sheffield, James Rockwell, 1864-1938
Shelby, Evan, 1872-1965
Shell, George Richard Edwin, b. 1908
Shelton, Thomas Wall, 1870-1931
Shenandoah National Park SEE Carson, William Edward
Shepard, J. Woolsey
Shepard, Woolsey Adams, 1880-1960
Shields, George Oliver, 1846-1925
Shipe, Archie K.
Shipp, Scott, 1839-1917
Shorter, Walter Clarence, b. 1902
Sildar, Ellen (Hill)
Silkman, Theodore H., d. 1910
Simmons, Rush D.
Simon, Louis
Sinsel, John W.
Sites, Henry Wise
Sizer, Robert Ryland, 1859-1925
Slaton, John Marshall, 1866-1955
Sleicher, John A., 1848-1921
Smith, Abel I.
Smith, E. Allen
Smith, Edward Chambers, b. 1857
Smith, George O., 1866-1951
Smith, Harold Vincent, 1889-1962
Smith, Harrison
Smith, Henry Knox
Smith, Howard Alexander, 1880-1966
Smith, Margaret, Mrs.
Smith, Nathaniel S.
Smith, Nellie Shackleford
Smith, Richard Hewlett, 1859-1945
Smith, Sydney, b. 1859
Smith, T. Delap
Smith, W. Wickham, d. 1912
Snell, Laura V.
Son, Frank P.
Sondheim, Leopold
Sonnenberg, Louis M., d. 1953
Sornborger, Charles B.
Spady, Sam
Spain – Description and travel SEE Mills, Eva Douglas (Wise); Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise); Pegram, John Cargill
Spangler, Harrison Earl, 1879-1965
Spelling, Thomas Crisp, b. 1853
Spencer, J. B. C.
Spiegelberg, Frederick, 1862-1937
Spiegelberg, George Alfred, b. 1897
Spilman, Robert Scott, 1876-1958
Spreckels, Claus August, 1858-1946
Spreckels, Rudolph, 1872-1958
Squires, P. Leland
St. James’s Church (Accomack County, Va.) SEE Gouldthorpe, Samuel F.
Stahl, Frederick A.
Stanchfield, John Barry, 1855-1921
Stark, Francis Raymond, b. 1877
Staunton, James F.
Steenbergen, William
Stephenson, Percy S.
Stephenson, Robert
Stevens, G. Madison
Stevens, George Walter, 1851-1920
Stevenson, Mark H.
Stewart, Alexander M.
Stewart, George E.
Stewart, Joseph, 1859-1929
Stewart, Potter, b. 1915
Stewart, W. R.
Stimson, Henry Lewis, 1867-1950
Stimson, Mabel Wellington (White)
Stotesbury, Louis William, 1870-1948
Straat, F. Cy.
Strauss, Charles, 1854-1934
Street, Walter Scott, 1872-1938
Strickler, John, 1902-1961
Strong, Betty
Stroock, M. J., d. 1931
Strouse, Alexander L.
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 1860-1930
Sumner, Edward Arthur, b. 1856
Sundheimer, Malcom
Swain, G. Frank
Swartz, Dennis E.
Switzerland – Description and travel SEE Pegram, John Cargill
Taft, Henry Waters, 1859-1945
Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930 SEE Braun, Marcus
Tally, James
Tams, J. Frederic
Tandem (Albemarle County, Va.) SEE Howard, Robert F.
Tandlish, Michael
Tanner, Frederick A.
Tanner, Frederick Chauncey, 1878-1963
Tarler, George Cornel, 1876-1945
Tate, Farish Carter, b. 1856
Taxation SEE Livesay, Arch D.; Morrissett, Carlisle Havlock; Murray, Hoke; Overton, F. L.; Robinson, Daniel A.
Taylor, Francis W.
Taylor, George H.
Taylor, Irving K., d. 1939
Taylor, John H.
Taylor, Lloyd, d. 1944
Taylor, M. T.
Taylor, Robert C. SEE Sornborger, Charles B.
Taylor, Rupert, b. 1883
Taylor, Sutherland, G.
Taylor, Tazewell, 1874-1951 SEE ALSO Bowen, William Storrs
Taylor, Walter F.
Taylor, Walter Herron, 1872-1960
Tener, George E.
Thayer, John A.
Thomas, Aaron S., d. 1915
Thomas, Charles Sewell
Thomas, Doris
Thomas, Edward Beers, 1858-1929
Thomas, Harry S.
Thomas, Hector W.
Thomas Jefferson Inn (Charlottesville, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Robinson, Daniel A.
Thomas, Samuel Bell, b. 1871
Thompson, Henrietta Edwina Booth (Wise), b. 1913 SEE ALSO Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
Thompson, Henry Swift, b. 1911
Thompson, Henry Swift, b. 1950
Thompson, John, 1873-1958
Thompson, Josy, Mrs. SEE Hudson, William H.
Thompson, Merl Dow, 1879-1970
Thompson, Roby Calvin, 1898-1960
Thomsen, Alonzo Lilly
Thomson, Augustus Pembroke, 1847-1920 SEE Milton, William Hammond
Thomson, Genevieve Clark
Thomson, James McIlhany, 1878-1959
Thornley, William H., d. 1869
Thrasher, A. Roscoe
Throckmorton, Howard W., b. 1873
Tice, Edmund Jackson
Tilden, Russell C., d. 1950
Tirrell, Martin Lewis
Tobias, Charles Harrison, b. 1888
Tobias, Paul H.
Todd, James
Townsend, J. Russell
Tracy, Elizabeth Gordon (Kilboune)
Trafton, William Henry, 1857-1926
Treadway, Francis Wilcox
Tredick, Ralph.
Trenholm, Frank
Trenholm, William de Saussure
Trollinger, M. F.
Tuggle, Thomas W.
Turgeon, N. E.
Turlington, Samuel James, b. 1875
Twiggs, John David, d. 1954
Twinem, F. B.
Twinem, Flora DePuy
Tydings, Eleanor (Davies)
Tyson, George T., 1882-1956
Underwood, W. H., d. 1914
United States. Army – Military life SEE Connell, Thomas Walter; Cootes, Harry Newton; Wise, Hugh Douglas (1871-1942)
United States. Navy – Surgeons SEE Langhorne, Cary Devall
Untermyer, Samuel, 1858-1940
Upshur, Eleanor Eve (Walton), b. 1905
Upshur, John Andrews, b. 1899
Urquhart, J. E.
Van Benschoten, William Henry, 1872-1928
Van Duyn, Edward Seguin, b. 1872
Van Dyke, Janet, Mrs.
Van Gaasbeek, G. H.
Van Glahn, Edward Charles, 1864-1930
Van Hamm, Caleb Marsh, 1861-1919
Van Winkle, Marshall, b. 1869
Vance, Lee J., d. 1942
Vanderlip, Frank Arthur, 1864-1937
Vandiver, Almuth Cunningham, 1879-1931
Veeder, Van Vechten, 1867-1942
Virginia – Politics and government SEE Byrd, Harry Flood (1887-1966); Byrd, Harry Flood (b. 1914); Henderson, Horace Edward; Johnson, Walter; Wescott, George J.
Virginia, University of – Pictorial works SEE Jackson, Norris; Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise)
Waddey, George I.
Waddill, Edmund, 1855-1931
Waddy, John Robinson, 1839-1903
Wadhams, Frederick Eugene, 1848-1926
Wadsworth, James Wolcott, 1846-1926
Wakeman, Wilbur Fisk, 1857-1931
Walden, Howard T., d. 1957
Walker, Albert Henry, 1844-1915
Walker, H. B.
Walker, Joseph R.
Walker, Margaret
Walker, Roberts, 1874-1926
Walter, Jefferson Francis, 1890-1966
Walton, Daniel Day, 1880-1948
Walton, Hulda (Parton)
Waples, John S.
Waples, Sabra
Ward, Hamilton, 1871-1932
Ward, Henry Galbraith, 1851-1933
Ward, Thomas, 1839?-1926
Ware, William Walker
Waring, James Mowton Saunders, d. 1946
Warren, Henry D., 1885-1953
Warren, Mortimer
Washington, George, 1732-1799 – Statues SEE Cook, Huestis Pratt
Wasson, James B., d. 1927
Watchorn, Robert, b. 1858
Waterfield, C. V.
Watson, Archibald Robinson, d. 1957
Watson, Cecil E.
Watson, Charles W.
Watson, E. O.
Watson, William
Watson, William F.
Waverley (King George County, Va.) SEE Hunter, Marie (Doherty)
Webster, D. Macon
Weil, Arnold Charles
Weller, Emery C.
Wellman, Francis Lewis, 1854-1942
Wells, Frank M., d. 1944
Wemple, William Lester, b. 1877
Wescoat, Harold
Wescott, George J.
West, C. D.
Wheeler, Merrill Dale, b. 1882
Wherry, Benjamin Chapin, 1840-1922
Whipple, Joseph A.
White, Arthur SEE ALSO United Electric Light and Power Company (New York, N.Y.)
White, Frank, 1856-1940
White, G. E.
White, George M.
White House of the Confederacy (Richmond, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Palmore, Condé (Booth)
White, Jennie, Mrs.
White, Trumbull, 1868-1941
White, William G.
White, William H. SEE Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
White, William Henry, 1847-1920
Whitelaw, Ralph Thomas, 1880-1950
Whitelock, George, 1854-1920
Whitman, Charles Seymour, 1868-1947
Whitney, Carl Everett, 1876-1940
Whittle, Thomas W., d. 1951
Wiard, William W., d. 1945
Wickersham, George Woodward, 1858-1936 SEE ALSO Bennett, William M.; Clark, John Cheesman; Wise, Edmond Eli
Wiggin, Albert Henry, 1868-1951
Wilkie, John Elbert, 1860-1934
Wilkins, John T., 1880-1929
Wilkinson, James, d. 1949
Wilkinson, James H.
Will, Arthur Percival, 1868-1950
Willcox, Henry C.
Willcox, Thomas Hamlin, 1887-1959
Willcox, William Russell, 1863-1940
Williams, Carlisle
Williams, Chester B.
Williams, George T.
Williams, J. Castree
Williams, J. R.
Williams, James O.
Williams, John James, b. 1904
Williams, Robert Lancaster, 1869-1935
Williams, William, 1862-1947
Williamsburg Female Institute (Williamsburg, Va.) SEE Hunter, W. M.
Willis, William H.
Wilmington (Del.) SEE Wise, Henry Alexander (b. 1910)
Wilson, A. E.
Wilson, Charles Frederic
Wilson, Edgar Bright, 1874-1953
Wilson, George T.
Wilson, James, 1835-1920
Wilson, Rollin C.
Wilson, T. S.
Wilson, Thomas J.
Wilson, Upshur, 1874-1939
Wilson, William P., 1894?-1965
Windolph, John R., d. 1924
Winfree, Peyton Brown
Wingate, George Wood, 1840-1929
Winston, James Overton, d. 1947
Wire, E. B.
Wise, Alfrieda Ashford
Wise, Anderson, b. 1838
Wise, Ann Jennings SEE Wise, Ellen Wright
Wise, Byrd Douglas, 1886-1969
Wise, Caroline Hazlehurst (Cohen), 1872-1961
Wise, Catherine Ames (Jackson)
Wise, Charles Grandin, b. 1956 SEE ALSO Wise, Catherine Ames (Jackson)
Wise, Clara Thomson Booth, 1903-1914 SEE ALSO Warren, Mortimer; Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth); Hollywood Cemetery Company (Richmond, Va.)
Wise, Dean Hamiton, b. 1954 SEE ALSO Wise, Catherine Ames (Jackson)
Wise, Edith Murray (Grandin)
Wise, Edmond Eli, 1867-1932
Wise, Edward Tayloe, b. 1945
Wise, Elizabeth Lydecker (Anderson), 1883-1963
Wise, Elizabeth Ridgely (Thompson)
Wise, Ellen Wright, b. 1896
Wise, Emma F., Mrs.
Wise, Evelyn Byrd Beverley (Douglas), 1851-1925 SEE ALSO Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise); Parker, Cola Godden
Wise family SEE Wise, Jennings Cropper; Wise, John Sergeant (1905-1974)
Wise, George Nelms, 1874-1934
Wise, George Nelms, b. 1914
Wise, Grandin, b. 1917
Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth), 1876-1957 SEE ALSO Huff, Wells; Hollywood Cemetery Company (Richmond, Va.)
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1840-1918
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1873-1904 SEE ALSO Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth)
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1877-1972
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1906-1982 SEE ALSO Wise, Henry Alexander, 1906-1982
Wise, Henry Alexander, b. 1910 SEE ALSO Allen, Francis B.; Bryan, John Stewart
Wise, Henry Alexander, b. 1946
Wise, Henry Alexander, b. 1951
Wise, Hugh Douglas, 1871-1942 SEE ALSO Roberts, G. T.
Wise, Hugh Douglas, b. 1912
Wise, Ida Rosa (Hungerford), 1880-1956
Wise, J. T.
Wise, Jennings Cropper, 1881-1968 SEE ALSO Hitchcock, Frank Harris; Wise, Henry Alexander, 1906-1982
Wise, John Cropper, 1848-1922 SEE ALSO Paine, Francis Sidney
Wise, John Douglas, b. 1880
Wise, John Henry, b. 1892
Wise, John James Henry, 1830-1895
Wise, John S.
Wise, John Sergeant, 1846-1913 SEE ALSO Wise, Henrietta Edwina Thomson (Booth)
Wise, John Sergeant, 1846-1913 – Tomb SEE Mason, Robert H.; Street, Walter Scott; Wise, Caroline Hazlehurst (Cohen) Wise
Wise, John Sergeant, 1846-1913. End of an era SEE Davis, Curtis Carroll
Wise, John Sergeant, 1876-1951 SEE ALSO Jones, Paul; Wise, Byrd Douglas
Wise, John Sergeant, 1905-1974 SEE ALSO Hoxton, Archibald Robinson
Wise, John Sergeant, b. 1934
Wise, Joshan Rust (Backus)
Wise, Kay Louise (Goss)
Wise, Leone Brookes (Maddox)
Wise, Lesley, Sergeant, b. 1957 SEE ALSO Wise, Catherine Ames (Jackson)
Wise, Lucy
Wise, Mary Alice (Buck)
Wise, Mary Churchill (Mellon)
Wise, Mary Churchill, b. 1839
Wise, Mary Elizabeth (Lyons) SEE Hollywood Cemetery Company (Richmond, Va.)
Wise, Paul T.
Wise, Richard Hungerford, b. 1907
Wise, Richard Hungerford, b. 1937
Wise, Sergeant Woodhull, b. 18923
Wise, Virginia Peachy, 1871-1949
Wolf, B. Frank
Women – Education SEE Hunter, W. M.; Iliff, Lucy Booth (Wise)
Wood, George E.
Wood, Leland N., 1868-1946
Woodruff, Timothy Lester, 1858-1913
World War, 1914-1918 SEE Zengerle, George J.
Wright, Norshead
Wyble, Douglas Anne (Wise), b. 1940
Wyeth, John Allan, 1845-1922
Wynne, Baker P.
Yates, James William
Yates, James William SEE Meem, James Cowan
Younger, Cole J.
Youngs, William J., 1851-1916
Zaring, Charles W.
Zengerle, George J.
Companies and organizations
Accomack-Northampton Electric Cooperative (Parksley, Va.)
Adkins (E.S.) & Company (Salisburgy, Md.)
Aetna Life Insurance Company (Hartford, Conn.)
Albemarle County (Va.). Finance Department
Altman (B.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
American Surety Company of New York (San Francisco, Calif.)
Armco Drainage & Metal Products, Inc. (Virginia Beach, Va.)
Barry and Enright Productions, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Binns’ (Williamsburg, Va.)
Boggs Concrete Works, Inc. (Melfa, Va.)
Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg, Va.) SEE Jones, Edmund Ruffin
Bryn Mawr Hospital (Bryn Mawr, Pa.)
Burrelle’s Press Clippings Bureau (New York, N.Y.)
Casey (R.T.) & Sons (Williamsburg, Va.)
Casey’s Incorporated (Williamsburg, Va.)
Chatham Hall (Pittsylvania County, Va.) SEE Iliff, Lucy Booth (Wise)
Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia
Chesapeake Transfer Storage Co. (Newport News, Va.)
Citizens Bank and Trust company (Blackstone, Va.)
City Bank Farmers Trust Company (New York, N.Y.)
Collins & Rudiger (Onancock, Va.)
Conrad-Pyle Co. (West Grove, Pa.)
Corn Exchange Bank (New York, N.Y.)
Eastern Shore herald (Eastville, Va.) SEE Fisher, Benjamin Thomas
Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society (Onancock, Va.) SEE Ames, Susie May; McMath, George Nottingham; Mears, Nannie Wharton (Ames); Nock, Sarah E.; Shorter, Walter Clarence; Wise, Emma F., Mrs.
Eastern State Hospital SEE Barrett, Joseph Eagle; Berrick, Ethel Jones; Brown, George Woodford
Elliott (G.T.), Inc. (Hampton, Va.) SEE ALSO Barney, James Perrine (1875-196)
Episcopal High School (Alexandria, Va.) SEE Hoxton, Archibald Robinson; Wise, Edward Tayloe; Wise, Henry Alexander (b. 1937)
Equitable Trust company (New York, N.Y.)
First National Bank (Newport News, Va.)
First National City Trust Company (New York, N.Y.)
German-American Button Co. (Rochester, N.Y.)
Great Britain. Consulate. New York, N.Y.
Guaranty Trust Company (New York, N.Y.)
Haase (Henry R.), Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Hall & O’Malley (New York, N.Y.)
Hammond Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Harrison Granite Company (New York, N.Y.)
Hearne-Ballard Insurance Agency, Inc. (Onancock, Va.)
Henley & Henley (Williamsburg, Va.)
Highland Railroad (Dalwhinnie, Scotland)
Hill Trunk Company (Nashville, Tenn.)
Hollywood Cemetery Company (Richmond, Va.) SEE King, James Nelson
Homelite (Port Chester, N.Y.)
Hopkins & Bro. (Onancock, Va.)
Hotel des Reservoirs (Versailles, France)
Hotel Northampton (Cape Charles, Va.) SEE Bonniville, Hubert F.
Houghton Mifflin Company (Boston, Mass.)
James City Furniture Co., Inc. (Williamsburg, Va.)
Larkin (J.K.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Lincoln National Bank (New York, N.Y.)
Lord & Taylor (New York, N.Y.)
Malone & Williams (Salisbury, Md.)
Manhattan Mortgage Company (New York, N.Y.) SEE Acker, Charles L.
Marshall, Campbell & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Mason-Young Company, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
McCreery (James) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
McCutcheon (James) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Merchants & Planters Bank (Norfolk, Va.)
Merchants’ Association of New York
Merwin Sales Company (New York, N.Y.)
Metropolitan Street Railway Company (New York, N.Y.)
Moore’s High School (Ettrick, Va.) SEE Moore, Frederick
Morrison & Wilkes (London, England)
Munn & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
National Surety Company (Richmond, Va.)
New York (State). Tax Commission
New York State Bar Association SEE Wadhams, Frederick Eugene
New York Telephone company (New York, N.Y.)
Newport News transfer & Storage Co. (Newport News, Va.)
Oliphant (Jas. H.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Onancock Building Supply Company (Onancock, Va.)
Paul-Gail-Greenwood Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Pavey & Moore (New York, N.Y.)
Peabody Home (New York, N.Y.)
Peninsula Bank and Trust Company (Williamsburg, Va.)
People’s National Bank (Charlottesville, Va.)
Persia-Bagdad Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Planters National Bank (Richmond, Va.)
Postal Telegraph Company (Princess Anne, Md.)
Princeton University SEE Huff, Wells
Pure Food Grocery Co. (Williamsburg, Va.)
Randolph-Macon’s Woman’s College (Lynchburg, Va.) SEE Hall, Sara Bellamy; Hawley, Suzanne Marcy (Wise)
Republican Party (N.Y.) SEE Wise, Henry Alexander (1906-1982); Wise, Sergeant Woodhull
Republican Party (U.S.). National Committee
Republican Party (Va.) SEE Henderson, Horace Edward; Johnson, Walter; McWane, Frederick William (1889-1959); Potter, Irwin Lee; Wescott, George J.
Richmond Light Infantry Blues SEE Emory, William Hemsley; Gill, Allen E.
Richmond times-dispatch SEE Dabney, Virginius; Hasbrook, Charles Phillips
Riverview Methodist Church (Chesconnessex, Va.)
Romeike (Henry), Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Scientific American (New York, N.Y.)
Selma (New York, N.Y.)
Sterling Brothers Company (Cape Charles, Va.)
Sterling Drug Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Sykes & McCole (New York, N.Y.)
Thomas (S.J.) & Co., Inc. (Norfolk, Va.)
Thompson (Edward) Company (Northport, N.Y.)
Times herald (Washington, D.C.) SEE Elliston, Herbert Berridge
Times Publishing Company (Cape Charles, Va.)
Toghanic Hotel (Sharonn, Conn.)
Townsend Banking Company, Inc. (Townsend, Va.)
Trust Company of America (New York, N.Y.)
Union League Club of New York (New York, N.Y.) SEE ALSO Morris, Robert Clark; Taylor, George H.; Van Glahn, Edward Charles; Wiggin, Albert Henry
United Contractors Corporation (Jersey City, N.J.)
United Electric Light and Power Company (New York, N.Y.)
United States Military Academy SEE Wise, Hugh Doulgas (1871-1942)
United States Mortgage & Trust Company (New York, N.Y.)
United States. Army. Depot Brigade, 115th
United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 35th. Company B SEE Cootes, Harry Newton
United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 4th SEE Carter, William Harding
United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 9th SEE Connell, Thomas Walter
United States. District Attorney (New York : Southern District) SEE Sornborger, Charles B.
United States. District Court (New York : Southern District)
United States. District Court (Virginia : Eastern District) SEE Kear, Paul Winfred
United States. Interior Dept. Fish and Wildlife Service
Vallely (P.W.), Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Victory Hall Association, Inc. (New York, N.Y.) SEE Frye, Arnold; Wingate, George Wood
Virginia Historical Society SEE Cleman, Beverly Mosby
Virginia State Conservation Commission SEE Carson, William Edward
Virginia, University of SEE Farmer, Frances; Wise, Henry Alexander (b. 1937)
Virginia, University of. Hospital SEE Morton, Charles Bruce
Virginia, University of. Law School SEE Kellogg, Marion Knight; Ribble, Frederick Deane Goodwin; Wise, Anderson
Virginia. Division of Motor Vehicles SEE Lamb, Chester H.
Virginian-pilot (Norfolk, Va.) SEE Mason, Robert H.
Wanamaker (John), (New York, N.Y.)
Washington post (Washington, D.C. : 1877) SEE Elliston, Herbert Berridge
Washington Sanitarium and Hospital (Washington, D.C.)
West Side Republican Club (New York, N.Y.)
Whispering Pine Hotel (Accomac, Va.) SEE Hyde, Noram, Mrs.
Whythe & Thompson (Baltimore, Md.)
Willard Hotel (Washington, D.C.)
Williams Buildings, Inc. (Washington, D.C.)
Williamsburg (Va.). Treasurer
Williamsburg Drug Company (Williamsburg, Va.)
Wolfe (B. F.) Meat Market (Williamsburg, Va.) – Pictorial works SEE Wolfe, B. Frank
Wyoming Apartments (Washington, D.C.)
Last updated: November 22, 2005