The Strange Genius of Mr. O: The World of the United States’ First Forgotten Celebrity

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On July 15, 2021, historian Carolyn Eastman delivered a Banner Lecture examining the career of James Ogilvie, a now-forgotten celebrity of the very early nineteenth century, and what it tells us about the intersection of political culture and celebrity—at a moment when the United States was in the midst of invention.

The Story of Virginia: The Arrival of the First Africans

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On February 11, 2021, historian Ric Murphy told the fascinating story of the arrival of the first Africans in Virginia in 1619. Based on his book, Arrival of the First Africans in Virginia, author Ric Murphy will discuss how in 1619, a group of thirty-two African men, women, and children arrived on the shores of Virginia. He will explore how and why they had been kidnapped in the royal city of Kabasa, Angola, and forced aboard the Spanish slave ship San Juan Bautista.

The Lost Colony was Never Lost!

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On January 14, 2021, author and historian Scott Dawson delivered a lecture about the true history of the Lost Colony. Scott Dawson has participated in ten years of archaeological digs on Hatteras Island, where it was discovered that the infamous Lost Colony assimilated with the local Croatoan Indians. The true history has been buried under a mountain of mythology and lies. Learn the real story and what was discovered in the Croatoan Indian Village.