June 1967

5 June 1967:

“[T]his battle that is just being concluded by the 5th marines (a regiment: 2 btns.) is only 15-20 miles north of us—the marines are on our northern flank. They have killed over 500 VC—an amazing success. Our area of operations is small due to the fact that we are not a btn. Also, a marine btn. numbers 300-400 more men than an army btn. Our btn. may move down the coast 70 miles to Duc Pho to join the rest of the 3rd bde. & the 1st bde. 106 1st airborne div. I hope not because we’ll be out in tents again supported solely by helicopters. Next to the DMZ, this coastal area from Duc Pho to the DMZ is the hottest area going; it’s all in the 1 Corps area. We are all (in this coastal area: Duc Pho to Da Nang) part of task force Oregon, including the 5th marines, who have finally done something after sitting in Chu Lai for a y[ea]r…."

The harbor at Hong Kong in 1967.

The harbor at Hong Kong in 1967.

23 June 1967:

“I just got back today [from Hong Kong]…."

“My leave to Hong Kong did me a world of good—it really broke the monotony. I only got 4 days and 5 nights, but it seemed a lot longer. I’m glad I went as it’s probably the most international city in the world & extremely interesting, in spite of all the Chinese packed in there. But the British all live on the heights of H. K. Island & it’s beautiful up there….”